Blue Desire – Désir blue

Festival des jardins – Chateau de Chaumont

This is one of the entries in the Garden Festival at Chateau de Chaumont and is inspired by the Australian bower bird, a very sleek satiny blue bird known for their unique courtship behaviour, where males build a structure and decorate it with sticks and brightly coloured objects in an attempt to attract a mate. The objects each year are always the same colour, often blue. When I was a child we had to be careful not to leave small toys in the backyard or they might find their way into a bower bird’s nest.

Cette œuvre est l’une des contributions au Festival des jardins du Château de Chaumont et s’inspire d’un oiseau australien, , l’oiseau jardinier, de couleur bleu satiné très élégant connu pour son comportement de parade nuptiale unique. Les mâles construisent un nid qu’ils décorent de bâtons et d’objets de couleurs vives pour tenter d’attirer une femelle. Chaque année, les objets sont toujours de la même couleur, souvent bleue. Lorsque j’étais enfant, il fallait faire attention à ne pas laisser de petits jouets dans le jardin, car ils pouvaient se retrouver dans le nid d’un oiseau jardinier.

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  1. Beautiful. An Aussie artist?
    Travelling anywhere outside suburban limits, one now often spots dead tree trunks painted in this blue. Quote – “The Blue Tree Project began in Western Australia and encourages people to choose a dead tree that needs a “blue lease on life” and paint it in memory of a friend who lost their life to depression or had battled the illness.30 Jan 2019″

  2. Ah, the terror of childhood toys. A bower bird. As long as they didn’t take you’re tricycle, I guess I’d be OK with them. They are pretty gorgeous, but I’ve seen them only in photos. No acquaintance with their taking my stuff.

    1. It could have been my mother’s way of getting us to pick up our toys but I remember finding a bower once with so of our things in it.

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