It’s not really the end of their roses – just the end of their peak. Nearly all our roses (and these are just four of them) are repeat-blooming and last until the beginning of winter. From left to right: pink cloud, unknown, orchid smile and the peace rose (Madame A. Meilland).
Ce n’est pas vraiment la fin des roses – mais la fin de leur apogée. Presque tous nos rosiers (et vous ne voyez que quatre) sont remontants et fleurissent jusqu’au début de l’hiver. De gauche à droite: pink cloud, sourire d’orchidée et la rose de la paix (Madame A. Meilland).
A visual delight and I imagine their perfume would be a joy too.
Some of our roses smell beautiful but others don’t have any scent at all.
My wife is jealous.
Roses are pretty tough here. They get covered in aphids but they don’t usually get much damage.