We had a wonderful surprise today when we crossed Lake Maggiore from Laveno to Intra – the beautiful Villa Taranto gardens established in 1928.
Nous avons eu une surprise merveilleuse aujourd’hui lorsque nous avons traversé le la Maggiore entre Laveno et Intra: les beaux jardins de la Villa Taranto établis en 1928.

Splendid views!
The weather has also been very kind to you in Italy.
The weather in Italy was incredible! Blois appears to be having better weather than it did in August. I have to say that the sunny skies and warm days contributed hugely to the enjoyment of our holidays. We had revolting weather on the Forggensee in Germany, to our great disappointment, so headed off to Italy a day early and found ourselves in the worst traffic jam we have ever experienced. We left at 9.30 am and arrived at 8.30 pm, having travelled only 400 km! But my daughter was waiting for us ?
Wow! Such incredible beauty!
Wow! Such incredible beauty! I’m just catching up after travelling through the ‘browns’ of western Queensland over a few weeks.
Congratulations on the birth of your Grandchild and your daughter’s wedding. I hope you are able to soon make the journey to Boston. Our Nora is now 20 months old and we are yet to meet her.
Thank you Helen! I thank my lucky stars we are not in Australia. I hope you will get to meet Nora some time soon.