Halloween in Boston

Belmont, Massachusetts

I haven’t really disappeared but we have been in North America since my last post on 1st October, first in Canada (Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) where we had to spend 14 clear days before traveling to the US to see our new grandson in Boston.

One of the recurring scenes throughout our visit has been Halloween in many different versions but this is by far the quirkiest.

Je n’ai pas disparu de la circulation. Nous sommes en Amérique du Nord depuis mon dernier post le 1er octobre, d’abord au Canada (Québec, Nouveau-Brunswick et Nouvelle-Écosse) où nous avons dû passer 14 jours avant de nous rendre aux États-Unis pour voir notre nouveau petit-fils à Boston.

L’une des scènes récurrentes de notre visite est la fête de Halloween dans de nombreuses versions différentes, mais celle-ci est de loin la plus originale.

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    1. My daughter-in-law tells me they are a year long event and change clothes according to the season. Scary!
      Fortunately we still have another two weeks in Boston. We had to spend 14 days in a non-Schengen country to access the US which has made our time away very long.

  1. Glad you are safely back. So thrilled that you finally met your Grandson.
    Halloween and autumn go together.
    Alas our shops are more than ever filled with Halloween items . It really is just a commercial occasion here.

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