Just a photo of our favourite river in spring taken on the cycling path. Juste une photo de notre fleuve préféré au printemps prise depuis la piste à vélo.
Author Archives: avril
The Donkey – L'âne
We see a surprising number of donkeys when we’re cycling. I think this one rather hoped we had something to offer. Nous voyons un nombre surprenant d’ânes lorsque nous sommes en vélo. Je pense que celui-ci espérait quelque chose à manger.
Wisteria – Glycine
The wisteria is nearly two weeks earlier than last year. With the exception of the last photo, taken at Cour Cheverny yesterday, I took all the other photos this afternoon as I drove along the Loire from Blois to our house, which is in the first photo. La glycine est en fleurs presque deux semaines en …
Amboise on a Spring Evening – Amboise une soirée de printemps
It was just after 8 pm when I took this photo of Amboise Castle on our way to the monthly meeting of Loire ConneXion* at Le Shaker on Ile d’Or. As beautiful as ever. Il était juste après 20 heures lorsque j’ai pris cette photo du château d’Amboise lorsqu’on se rendait à la réunion mensuelle …
Continue reading “Amboise on a Spring Evening – Amboise une soirée de printemps”
Porcupine and Wolf – Porc-épic et loup
The Blois flag depicts a porcupine (the emblem of Louis XII) and a wolf (in reference to the city’s etymology). Motto: comius et eminus (both near and far). Certain historians believe that the name Blois is of Celtic origin, from the word bleiz, which is still used in the Breton language and means wolf. The …
Doggy Spyhole – Judas pour chien
This photo, showing our front gate, is in response to Lesley’s comment the day before yesterday. Our former owners, Monique and Jacky, had several little dogs. Cette photo de notre portail est une réponse au commentaire de Lesley avant-hier. Nos anciens propriétaires, Monique et Jacky, avaient plusieurs petits chiens.
Princesse Bibesco
While we were walking in Ménars on Sunday, I saw a street sign that said “Princess Bibesco”. It led to a cemetary with a large mausoleum and I discovered more about this intriguing princess whose photo you can see below. The daughter of the Prince of Chimay and Emilie Pellapra, Valentine was born in Ménars in 1839. Married at …
A Cubby in the Making – Une cabane en cours de construction
It seems like a very sophisticated cubby house, doesn’t it? C’est une cabane bien sophistiquée n’est-ce pas ?
Cat or Dog? – Chien ou chat ?
When I first saw this weathervane at Les Mées today, I thought it was a cat, but now I’m not sure. What do you think? Lorsque j’ai vu cette girouette au Mées aujourd’hui, je pensais que c’était un chat mais je ne suis plus très sûre. Qu’en pensez-vous ?
City Daily Photo Theme Day – Wet
Wet in more ways than one. Since I prefer a blue sky and bright sun any day in preference to rain, I didn’t have a lot of choice for this month’s City Daily Photo theme day “Wet” although I did post a photo of a rainy market day earlier in the month. This is the local wine …