CDP Theme Day – Black & White in Colour

The City Daily Photo theme today is black & white in colour. I immediately thought of the rooftops of Château de Chambord on a grey day. I think they must be one of the most stunning examples of architecture I’ve ever seen. François I was only 25 when he commissioned the château in 1519. Unfortunately, despite the …

Coal Tits & Daffodils – Mésanges charbonnières et jonquilles

I can’t keep away from this window at the moment. I wish it was my office window and not the kitchen! Je n’arrive pas à m’éloigner de cette fenêtre en ce moment. J’aimerais qu’elle soit celle de mon bureau et non pas la cuisine !

Al Fresco in Blois – Manger en terrasse à Blois

In the end, I did get up on Saturday morning to go to the market. The sun came out but I don’t think it would have been more than 10°C at lunchtime. I’m sure some of these tables on Place Louis XII were taken though! Today it is grey and miserable again … Finalement je …

Primroses and Some Blue Sky – Primeveres et un peu de ciel bleu

We have our first primroses and a little bit of blue sky but the forecast is 0°C at 8 am and  12°C at 2 pm. I might not get up tomorrow morning! Nous avons nos premières primevères et un peu de ciel bleu mais il va faire encore 0°C at à 8 heures demain matin …

A Holy Place – Une place sacrée

No, the sun did not shine today and the sky was not blue but I couldn’t bare taking  another grey photo so I used this one that I took last week when we were having our thermos of tea and biscuits in La Chaussée Saint Victor looking at the spire of the church of the same …

Yellow & White – Jaune et blanc

Not quite so grey today, but just look at those lovely daffodils and snowdrops. Thank you to Monique and Jacky, the previous owners of our lovely 400-year-old house, for planting this wonderful carpet. Moins de gris aujourd’hui mais regardez donc ces beaux jonquilles et perce-neiges. Un grand merci à Monique et Jacky, les anciens propriétaires de …

The Market Square – La place du marché

  Today we had a thick mist until well after lunch, then it cleared and the sun came out. This is the market square in Blois late afternoon, with just a few people walking about. Tomorrow morning it will be a different scene. Aujourd’hui le brouillard est resté jusqu’en début d’après-midi, puis il s’est dissipé …

The Zouave – Le zouave

Around 1870, Baron de Graëb had a wooden Bedouin made to commemorate the visit of Abd-el-Kader, a prison-of-war on his way to Amboise. The Baron had the sculpture put up on the roof of an old windmill he owned just outside the village of La Chaussée-Saint-Victor, on the road to Paris, so that visitors from the capital would recognise the turn-off …