Local Wines – Vins du coin

I noticed this window of a local restaurant today on Place Louis XII in Blois proposing Loire Valley wines. I thought the blue very cheerful on a dull day. J’ai remarqué aujourd’hui cette devanture de restaurant local Place Louis XII à Blois qui propose des vins du coin. Je trouve ce bleu bien gai un jour aussi maussade.

Variations on a Theme – Variations sur un thème

We went to our monthly meet-up of the Loire Connexion at Le Shaker on l’Ile d’Or in Amboise on Friday despite the fact that it was minus 7°C and I took another photo of the red lights over the castle, but including the bridge this time. You can click here to see the previous photo …

Flea Market in the Mist – Brocante dans la brume

There is a flea market in Blois on the second Sunday of the month. I thought this stall looked very attractive with the mist over the Loire in the background. It (the mist) didn’t let up all day. I found a silver toast rack and a DVD of Edith Piaf. Il y a une brocante …

Kings' Cake – Galette des rois

Our friend Aliette came to the market on Saturday morning with a completely home-made and extremely delicious galette des rois. This is the cake used to celebrate the Epiphany in France, the 12th day of Christmas, January 6th, the day on which the three kings reached Bethlehem. It has become an essential part of New Year …

Frozen Thoughts – Pensées gelées

It was cold but sunny this morning and minus 2°. My pansies (from pensées = thoughts in French dixit Ophelia in Hamlet) took a beating but by 2 pm they were as bright as a button. Adaptable. Il faisait froid ce matin avec une température de moins 2°C mais le soleil était au rendez-vous. Mes …

Bathed in Gold – Baigné par la lumière dorée

Our outiings at the moment are not very exciting – tonight we went to buy cable conduits and rebars. It was very eerie and golden among the sand bags though. Nos sorties en ce moment ne sont guère intéressants : ce soir nous sommes allés acheter des gaines électriques et des fers à béton. L’ambiance …