Today is City Daily Photo Theme Day when daily photo bloggers across the globe post on the same theme. On 1st January, the theme is always “Photo of the Year”. I have three. The first is my readers’ choice, a coypu swimming across the Loire, and also illustrates the river which is the leitmotif of Loire Daily Photo …
Author Archives: avril
Reflections of Chambord – Reflets de Chambord
Admittedly, I did not take this photo today, but two days ago. Since then we have not seen even a tiny bit of sun or blue sky. Today’s photo is below. The temmperature did not go above zero. Je dois admettre que je n’ai pas pris cette photo aujourd’hui, mais il y a deux jours. …
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Looking Up – Regard vers le haut
This photo is taken in the old quarter of Blois near the cathedral. I learnt today that there is a town under the town and that there are cellars in which you can see old shop fronts. I’d love to see one! Cette photo est prise dans le vieux quartier de Blois près de la …
Chambord's New Gardens – Les nouveaux jardins de Chambord
Today we got our first glimpse of the new gardens at Chambord, though they are still in the early stages. The aim is to restore the formal gardens as they were in the 18th century so that visitors can see the château, no longer as an isolated object, but as part of a majestic environment combining …
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The Police Hotel – L'hôtel de police
As you can see, we had a spectacular blue sky today. Fortunately I had to go into Blois on an errand so was able to take a few photos. This one is a reminder of one of my brothers when he was visiting France with his young son many long years ago. They had been driving …
Above the Window – Au-dessus de la fenêtre
All these delightful little sculptures are above one of the mullion windows of Hôtel d’Effliat in Montrichard built in the 16th and 17th century. The second photo shows the other side of the building. Toutes ses petites sculptures bien sympathiques se trouvent au dessous d’une des fenêtres à meneaux de l’hötel d’Effiat à Montrichard construit …
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While the Cat's Away – Quand le chat n'est pas là
When we drove past this field at about 1.30 pm we were very surprised to see six deer. We can only imagine that they knew that all the hunters were having their Christmas lunch. Lorsque nous sommes passés devant ce champ vers 13h30 nous étions très étonnés de voir six chevreuils. On imagine qu’ils devaient savoir …
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Merry Christmas – Joyeux noël
I always think this shop has the prettiest Christmas decorations in Blois. The fact that it is green probably helps. Happy Christmas to all! Je trouve que ce magasin est toujours le mieux décoré à Blois. Le fait qu’il soit vert aide sans doute. Joyeux noël à tous !
Les Mendiants
A friend just gave us a little packet of homemade mendiants. Despite having lived in France for over 40 years, it’s the first time I’ve seen them, although I had heard the name. As you can see, they are chocolate disks with dried fruit and nuts on them. Of Provençal origin, the colour of the …
Closed for Winter – Fermé pour l'hiver
I took this in what appears to be the grounds of château de Chaumont but I really cant’t imagine why they would have a gypsy caravan, a yurt and two double armchairs there. J’ai pris cette photo dans ce qui semble être le parc du château de Chaumont mais je n’ai aucune idée pourquoi il …