Same walk as yesterday but looking in the other direction. Même promenade qu’hier mais en regardant dans le sens opposé.
Author Archives: avril
CDP Theme Day – Transitions
The subject of this month’s City Daily Photo theme day is transltions. I thought I would like to ask my readers what transitions they think I am illustrating here. For other entries click here. Le sujet de la journée thème de City Daily Photo ce mois-ci est “transitions”. J’invite mes lecteurs à proposer les transitions …
The Loire on a Sunny Winter's Day – La Loire un jour ensoleillé d'hiver
We are having some sunny days again at last so I went for a walk the Loire. It was about 3°C. You can see how high the water is at the moment. J’ai profité du soleil aujourd’hui pour me promener le long de la Loire. Il faisait 3°C. Comme vous pouvez constater, il y a …
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Sunny Spikes – Pics ensoleillés
I’m pretty sure I posted a photo of these little spiky flowers last year.but I still can’t remember what they’re called! Je suis presque sûre d’avoir posté une photo de ces petites fleurs qui ressemblent à une grosse brosse22 l’année dernière mais je ne sais toujours pas comment elles s’appellent !
The Pumpkin – La citrouille
I thought this was an interesting composition with the white bench, the wooden bench and the pumpkin on the landing. Taken from the GR trekking path along the Cisse near Coulanges. Je trouvais cette composition intéressante avec le banc blanc, le banc en bois et la citrouille sur le ponton. Photo prise depuis le GR …
Donating Blood – Donner du sang
As the promising weather seemed to disappear behind the clouds, the local brass band, including the pink trombone player, cheered us up (well, those who like brass bands) at the market to promote blood donation. Au moment où le temps prometteur semblait disparaître derrière les nuages, le fanfare local, y compris le trompettiste rose, nous …
Our First Saffron Harvest – Notre première récolte de safran
I had nearly given up on these saffron crocus bulbs that our friend Susan from Days on the Claise gave us a couple of years ago when one of them suddenly bloomed. The photo’s a little hazy – like the weather at the moment. I don’t think I’ll worry about harvesting it though. You have …
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The Orphan Gate Posts – Les piliers orphelins
Such decorative gate posts as these must surely have been attached to a gate in the past. Des piliers aussi décoratifs ont dû sûrement servir de support à un portail autrefois.
The American Memorial – Le mémorial américain
On July 15, 1944, at 7.29 pm, Robert E. Jenkins, a Californian pilot in the 63rd squadron, 56th fighter group of the 8th US Air Force based at Boxted airfield in South-East England crashed in his “Thunderbolt, in the forest of Blois near Molineuf. He was confirmed dead by the German senior doctor and his …
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La Réserve
I’m not sure what it’s a reserve of but it reminds me that I still haven’t done anything about having a nameplate made for Closerie Falaiseau! Je ne suis pas sure à quoi correspond cette réserve mais cela me fait penser que je ne me suis toujours pas occupée de faire faire une plaque pour la …