Back in Blois – De retour à Blois

Although we enjoyed seeing our friends in Paris and discovering a new area, we are very happy to be back home to our beloved Blois and Loire, especially when the sun is shining! Nous étions contents de retrouver nos amis à Paris et de découvrir un nouveau quartier mais nous sommes très contents de revenir à notre Blois et …

Postcard from Paris – Le Cirque d'Hiver

I took this photo from the car which explains why it is slightly off-centre. The Cirque d’Hiver or Winter Circus in the 11th arrondissement, was opened by the Emperor Napoleon III in 1852 as the Cirque Napoléon (it was renamed in 1870). It is a well-known venue for circuses, exhibitions of dressage, musical concerts and …

Postcard from Paris – Canal Saint Martin

The Canal Saint Martin is not an area I know well and we really enjoyed discovering it. We walked along it from Hôpital Saint Louis down to the market at Bastille then rode Velib’ (city) bikes back (with our baguette and oysters) to our starting point. Je ne connais pas bien le quartier du Canal …

Chenonceau from the other side – Chenonceau de l'autre côté

All my photos of this side of Chenonceau are taken into the light. One day when I’m feeliing extxremely motivated I’ll get up early and take a morning photo. Toutes mes photos de ce côté de Chenonceau sont à contre-jour. Un jour lorsque je mes sens particulièrement motivée je me lèverai très tôt pour prendre photo …

Last Saharan Roses – Dernières roses Saharan

We’re amazed at how many flowers are still blooming despite the low temperatures and the fact that it is nearly mid-October. We’ll know when the first frost comes – all the nasturiums will keel over. Nous sommes étonnés du nombre de fleurs qui continuent à s’ouvrir malgré les températures qui baissent et le fait qu’on est …

Sun on the Window – Soleil sur la fenêtre

2222 These two windows with their sculpted surrounds are above the steps leading up to the cathedral in Blois. This is the historical area of Puits Chatel which fortunately was not bombed during the Second World War. Ces deux fenêtres sculptées se trouvent au-dessus des degrés qui mènent à la cathédrale de Blois. C’est le …