Redeeming Light – Lumière qui rachète la mauvaise journée

The light over the Loire at the end of the afternoon redeemed an awful day spent tidying up after our house had been ransacked by burglars during our absence the night before. La lumière sur la Loire en fin d’après-midi a racheté une très mauvaise journée passée à remettre en ordre notre maison après un cambriolage pendant …

A Bench on the Loire – Un banc sur la Loire

Taken as i was walking along the Loire from the Laumer parking lot into the historical centre of Blois. I think our cycling might be over until spring. Prise lorsque je marchais le long de la Loire entre le parking Laumer et le centre historique de Blois. Je doute qu’on refasse du vélo avant le …

La bernache

This is the first year we’ve been in the Loire for bernache, which is grape juice at the beginning of its fermentation. It’s popular in Touraine and particularly in Anjou (also in Alsace where it’s called vin nouveau). It is available from October to about mid-November and is traditionally accompanied by grilled chestnuts and walnuts. …

Scale Model – Maquette

NouWe have never been upstairs in the 17th century covered market in Bracieux but during the Antiques Fair today, we were able to do so. And we found this scale model made by a Master Journeyman (Maître Compagnon). Unfortunately I did not take the photos from the same side. Nous n’avons jamais été en haut …

Fougères sur Bièvre Town Hall – Mairie de Fougères-sur-Bièvre

There are two Châteaux à Vélo itineraries that include Fougères sur Bièvres so we often cycle there. The twell-restored own hall with its mullion window was looking its best when we went there on Thursday. Il  y a deux itinéraires Châteaux à Vélo qui passent par Fougères sur Bièvres donc nous y allons souvent en …

CDP Theme Day – Abandoned

As soon as I saw City Daily Photo’s theme this month, I thought of a recent photo I posted of an abandoned rail bridge just outside Blois after it was bombed by the allied forces in 1944. In the first photo, you see the part of the bridge that is still standing. Above,you can see …

Autumn Crocuses – Crocus d'automne

When we saw these crocuses growing on the side of the road while we were cycling today, we thought they were saffron crocuses, but a closer look shows that the filaments that provide saffron, are not red. Two or three flowers You need 2 or 3 flowers to flavour a dish. Susan from Days on the Claise …

September Cyclamens – Cyclamens en septembre

This is the first September we’ve spent at Closerie Falaiseau – we were away last year – and we’re delighted with the weather and flowers. These little cyclamens have come out in our little wood. Thank you to our previous owners who did such as great job with the vegetation. C’est le premier mois de …