Yellow & Pink – Jaune & Rose

I love the way new spring flowers replace the ones before as time goes by. The daffodils in the background are starting to decline as the Japonica and forsythia come into full bloom. J’aime que de nouvelles fleurs de printemps remplacent celles d’avant au fur et à mesure que les jours passent. Les jonquilles à …

Spring Ducks – Canards au printemps

When we were in lockdown last year (nearly the one-year anniversary), we went for our one-hour walk every day. Now that the only real restriction on movement is a 6 pm curfew, we are not nearly as assiduous about exercise. Yesterday we spent most of the afternoon running around building material suppliers choosing paving stones …

The Twin Eagles – Les aigles jumeaux

You see the most amazing things in small towns! There was no sign of where this gate leads to apart from a small weekend chalet on the right hidden among the trees. I thought the eagles were an interesting touch. On voit des choses étonnantes dans les petites villes ! Ce portail semble sans rapport …

Spring Blossoms – Fleurs de printemps

We went to buy some wine at Domaine des Bessons in Mesland today and went past this stunning tree on the way. Considering it’s early March, we assume it’s a prunus of some sort. Nous sommes allés acheter du vin au Domaine des Bessons à Mesland aujourd’hui et sommes passés devant cet arbre magnifique. Comme …

The Covered Walkway – Le passage couvert

Here is another building of unknown origin and use. It could have been a tobacco dryer but it seems a little decorative. It’s behind the building below so perhaps there’s a connection. Voici une autre construction d’origine et d’utilité inconnues. C’était peut-être un séchoir à tabac mais elle semble un peu trop décorative. Elle se …

A Mediaeval Gallery – Une galérie médiévale

This house at no 1 rue du Puits Châtel in Blois dates back to the Middle Ages (vaulted cellars from the end of the 13th century). It was remodeled in the 16th century, and in the 17th century it was owned by Hercules de Meules, a local bourgeois.In the courtyard can be seen a superb …

The Tin Roof – Le toit en tôle

Somebody needed a garage obviously and couldn’t afford slate! The patron saint of the church is called Bienheuré which means very happy. Saint Bienheuré is a semi-legendary saint of Vendôme said to have lived in a nearby cave during the 3rd century. Like Saint George, he is said to have slayed a dragon. He is …

Saint Martin’s – Cangey

Today it was 10 degrees and sunny but the wind was cold. We choose the village of Cangey near Amboise as our Sunday destination. Nothing remarkable but it was a pleasant walk and the church with its 16th century stained glass windows was actually open. Aujourd’hui il faisait 10 degrés et beau mais le vent …