After so many days of rain it was wonderful to stroll around Blois in the evening. Après tant de jours de pluie c’était merveilleux de pouvoir se promener dans Blois le soir.
Author Archives: avril
Franco-Prussian War – Guerre de 1870
You don’t often see a separate memorial for the Franco-Prussian War or Franco-German War often referred to in France as the War of 1870 (19 July 1870 – 10 May 1871), The conflict, between the Second French Empire and the German states of the North German Confederation led by the Kingdom of Prussia, was caused …
Hot Lips
This delightful flower is a Salvia Hot Lips from the sage family. It’s very prolific and an annual. We now have three in our garden and I love them. They flower from May through to October.. Behind you can see a very high Loire at Amboise. Some of the bike paths further along were under …
Love-in-a-Mist – Cheveux de Vénus
This extraordinary flower, which is extremely difficult to photograph because it is so light that it seems to be constantly moving, is an annual from the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) that blooms in spring and early summer. The genus name Nigella comes from the Latin “niger” (which means black), and refers to the plant’s intense black …
Rainy Roses – Roses sous la pluie
The roses, of course, are not holding up well to the rain! But, I can tell you that my new grass is growing like mad! That’s a persistent honeysuckle on the right, by the way. Les roses, bien sûr, ne supportent pas bien la pluie mais je peux vous dire que ma nouvelle herbe s’éclate ! C’est …
Flash Flood – Inondation éclair
These photos were all taken by my neighbour Alain Allouin. I was visiting Blois Castle with my son when our street Rue Basse des Grouëts was flooded. By the time I arrived home, the water was gone. Vineuil and other towns across the Loire have not been so lucky and some areas are still underwater. …
CDP Theme Day – Shadow and Highlight
With rain most days at the moment, “Shadow and Highlight” was more than a challenge and I didn’t want to use my archives. This is looking across the Loire in Blois towards the neighbourhood known as Vienne. For other takes on this month’s City Daily Photo Theme Day, click here. Avec la pluie quasiment tous …
Three Green Gates – Trois portails verts
I’ve been wandering around Blois recently, noticing all the different gates (and doors) and trying, unsuccessfullyl so far, to find a photo for the next theme day – shadow and highlight. And now it’s been raining for three days … Je me promène dans Blois en remarquant tous les portails bien différents et en essayant, …
Troglodytes in Blois
I was very surprised to see this old troglodyte façade in Blois early one morning at the back of a courtyard that is usually closed. These houses dug directly into the tufa hills are very common in the area but it’s the first time I’ve seen one in Blois. J’étais surprise de voir cette façade …
The Barber Shop – Le barbier
I didn’t think that barber shops still existed but I saw a man being shaved inside this one in the historical part of Blois. Je ne pensais pas que les barbiers existaient encore mais j’ai vu un monsieur qui se faisait raser dans ce magasin dans le vieux Blois.