Houses in Mennetou – Maisons de Mennetou

This was one of the first houses we saw in the mediaeval town of Mennetou-sur-Cher. The painting shows the old grain market and castle. The following photos are of typical 15th and 16th century houses. Voici l’une des premières maisons que nous avons vues dans la cité médiévale de Mennetou-sur-Cher. Le tableau représente la halle …

On our bikes at last! – Enfin en vélo!

It was incredibly warm this afternoon – 18 degrees Celsius – so we couldn’t resist getting our bikes out. Nearly three hours in the saddle and 45 km were probably a bit much for our first bike ride this year. The last time I took a photo of this 18th century chateau (Domaine de Seillac), …

Good News – Bonne nouvelle

One of the entrances to the mediaeval town of Mennetou-sur-Cher is through the Good News gate next to the 18th century Benedictine priory. The following photos were taken from inside the gate and from the other side. L’une des entrées à la cité médiévale de Mennetou-sur-Cher est par la porte Bonne Nouvelle à côté du …

Mediaeval Mennetou – Mennetou médiéval

Jean Michel found us a mediaeval village for our Sunday walk this week. It’s in Sologne along the Cher River. The restoration work is very uneven but we spent an interesting hour or so exploring the historic centre. I’ll be publishing more photos in the next couple of days. This photo is taken from the …

A Curious Queue – Une queue curieuse

When we went to the market yesterday I was surprised to see this queue of about 50 people. The second photo shows what it was for. I guess the figures will show the results tomorrow or Tuesday. Lorsqu’on est allé au marché hier j’étais surprise de voir cette queue d’une cinquantaine de personnes. La deuxième …

Cranes Overhead – Grues au dessus de la tête

We actually heard them before we saw them. I was wearing my rubber gardening gloves and had trouble pulling them off in time to take a photo with my iPhone. A sure sign of spring! Nous les avons entendues avant de les voir. Je portais des gants de jardinage et je n’avais du mal à …

This Year’s Daffodils – Les jonquilles de cette année

Every year around this time since 2014, with the exception of last year for some reason, I post a photo of the daffodils in our little wood. They are still mixed up with the snowdrops and will be with us for another three weeks or so. We can see them from the picture window in …

Gables Galore – Plein de pignons

This rather surprising mix of architectural styles is the parish church of Saint Martin in Mosnes. Of the early Romanesque church only the round apse and the chancel remain, together with the lower part of the square bell tower supported by the transept crossing. The current roof dates from the mid-18th century. The aisles are …

High Waters – Hautes Eaux

It’s miraculously stopped raining. Today was warm (13 degrees) and sunny. I’ve now pruned the roses (all 14, but not the ramblers) and the hydrangeas. I feel like I’m coming alive despite the steady 20,000 to 25,000 new cases and 300 to 400 deaths a day due to Covid. Par miracle la pluie s’est arrêtée. …