I posted a photo of an unusual vine cross a couple of weeks ago. Today I visited the cemetery next door and found several crosses of the same type. The weather has got much warmer so we will be able to spend more time outdoors. J’ai publié une photo d’une croix inhabituelle récemment. Aujourd’hui j’ai …
Author Archives: avril
Pink & Blue – Rose & Bleu
We went to Tours today for the first time in twelve months. We usually make a day of it during the winter and summer sales but with all the bars and restaurants closed we were in and out in a very short time. The building at the end is the theatre, also closed of course. …
The Deserted Market – Le marché désert
The market in Blois has remained busy despite Covid but today’s temperature of 5 degrees below zero left a lot of empty spaces. Regrettably the oysters were frozen and our regular organic market gardener wasn’t there. The vendor we bought our vegetables from had left his lettuces in his truck and fetched them on demand. …
Snowbound Tulips – Tulipes enneigées
I don’t know how these tulips will stand up to snow and frost. They seem to be coming up a bit early. This year. Je ne sais pas comment ces tulipes vont supporter la neige et le gel. Elles semblent être sorties un peu tôt cette année.
Firewood Delivery – Livraison de bois de chauffe
We had six stères (cubic mètres) of oak and hornbeam firewood delivered today in 50 cm lengths. It took the two of us 2 1/2 hours to stack it all under the new staircase. I hope I will be able to walk tomorrow! On nous a livré six stères de chêne et de charme en …
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Deer in the Snow – Chevreuils dans la neige
We woke up to snow this morning and the surprise of seeing three deer in the garden. They are to the right of the tree at the top of the path. The birds came in flocks. I counted about 30 at one stage. The sun came out and melted most of the snow by late …
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Blois Skyline in Winter – L’horizon à Blois en hiver
This was taken at the same time as the photo of the cathedral on Sunday. Today was grey with rain and light snow. It was also very cold so I stayed inside and made chocolate-chip cookies. J’ai pris cette photo dimanche en même temps que celle de la cathédrale. Aujourd’hui le ciel était gris avec …
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Saving the Barn – Sauvetage de la grange
The horizontal wooden beam is badly damaged in two places – behind the tree on the left and at the right corner so Jean Michel has prepared three iron reinforcements that will form an upside down U when in place. It’s all a bit tricky as the iron is a lot straighter than the timber …
Brief Ray of Sunshine – L’eclaircie
Another day of rain but I sowed my eggplant and capsicum seeds indoors and we went to my favourite store – the plant nursery Truffaut – to order more Japanese stepping stones so that we can continue to feed the birds in the back garden without slipping in the slushy clay that was once grass. …