This, my friends, is of greater significance that it looks. It’s part of a rampart from the time of the Gauls. Built from 400 to 50 BC, is made of clay, wooden posts and a 10 m deep ditch. The presence of pebbles shows that it was added to at different periods of time to make it …
Author Archives: avril
Civil Servants on Strike – Fonctionnaires en grève
This photo of civil servants on strike in Blois yesterday comes from fellow Blésois, Jon. The banner is asking for higher salaries for better quality service. I love the colourful flags. Cette photo de fonctionnaires en grève à Blois nous vient d’un autre blésois, Jon. J’aime bien les drapeaux bien colorés.
Arches Everywhere – Beaucoup de voûtes
I found all these arches rather amusing, particularly the cable around the one on the left and the little one in the middle. Je trouve toutes ces voûtes amusantes surtout le câble autour de celle de gauche et la toute petite au milieu.
The Mask – Le masque
This impressive mask is a plastic cast of a sculpture on the ceiling of the classical Gaston d’Orléans wing of Blois castle, built in 1635-1638. It’s part of an itinerary for the blind. Can you spot it on the ceiling below? Ce masque imposant est un moulage d’un masque sculpté sur le plafond de l‘aile classique Gaston d’Orléans du château …
On Top of the Wall – Par-dessus le mur
I’m not sure how efficient the weathervane can be be at the top of this wall and I wonder what the silver and blue baubles are. Je ne suis pas sûre que la girouette soit très efficace en haut de ce mur et je me demande bien à quoi correspondent les boules argentées et bleues.
LHostel de Ville
In modern day France, l’hôtel de ville is the town hall (the ô indicates that an “s” has disapppeared from the original old French. However, I have never seen a building with Hostel de Ville written on it. This beautiful door is in Orléans but so far I haven’t found any information about its history. …
Italy in Blois – L'Italie à Blois
You may remember the photo of the statue of Diane of the Chase taken in the royal park behind Blois Castle when the weather wasn’t the best. We went back on a sunny day and I was able to take this photo if the Renaissance façade of the castle with its beautiful Italianate galleries. Vous vous rappelez …
Silver Wattle – Mimosa
Silver wattle or acacia dealbata, called mimosa in France, was imported into Europe in the 18th century from Tasmania in Australia. Its vibrant yellow is very much appreciated from January to March. Le mimosa ou acacia dealbata, appelé Silver Wattle en Australie, fut importer de la Tasmanie au 18ème siècle. Sa couleur jaune vif est …
La Rampe du Grain d'Or
Because Blois is built on a hill, it has lots of steps called degrés (degrees) connecting up the different levels. This is the last staircase to have been created in 1863, between Rue Sainte-Catherine and Rue du Grain d’Or. The council bought the land at the bottom of the street in 1854 and the locals …
The Perfect Renaissance Staircase – L'escalier renaissance parfait
Yesterday, you saw the 15th century Louis XII wing of Blois castle which is on the right of this photo. Here is the François I wing with its beautiful Renaissance staircase built in the 16th century.The difference is striking. Hier vous avez vu l’aile Louis XII du château de Blois construite au XV siècle qui …
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