A Reflective Ferry – Un bac réfléchi

This is the new reconstructed ferry that now crosses the Loire at Cour-sur-Loire. Unfortunately it wasn’t working this time. In September it only operates during the weekend. Voici le nouveau bac reconstruit qui traverse désormais la Loire à Cour-sur-Loire. Malheureusement il n’était pas en opération cette fois-ci. En septembre, il est de service uniquement pendant …

A Wash House in Suevres – Un lavoir à Suevres

We thought we had exhausted most of the sights within a 40 kilometer radius of Blois until we came across the lovely little town of Suevres not far from Cour-sur-Loire while cycling. It has several wash houses and old water mills. Nous pensions avoir tout exploré dans un rayon de 40 kilomètres de Blois mais en …

More Boats on the Loire – Encore des bateaux sur la Loire

Yesterday, it was 30°C and today 20°C but the light late afternoon was fantastic.This photo is taken from Port de La Creusille in Blois. Hier il faisiat 30°C, aujourd’hui 20°C mais la lumière en fin d’après-midi était superbe. Cette photo est prise depuis Port de la Creusille à Blois.

CDP Theme Day – Curiosity

I have to say that this month’s City Daily Photo theme did not inspire me. It’s hard to say what can be considered a cusiosity. In the end, I decided to post this photo that I already published some time ago. I’m not sure what these rows of corn cobs represent but they are rather …

Fruit Bowls and Cornucopia – Coupes de fruits et cornes d'abondance

This is another detail from Hôtel Grouïn in Tours. Fruit bowls and cornucopia (horn of plenty) are symbols of prosperity, evoking the Golden Age when the earth provided human beings with nourishment in abundance. Pomegranates symbolise peace, apples eternity and grapes wine. Voici un autre détail de l’Hôtel Grouïn à Tours. Les coupes de fruit et …

Acanthus – Rinceaux d'acanthe

Yesterday I posted a photo of the Renaissance façade of Hôtel de Grouïn in Tours. Here is a close-up of the acanthus ornaments that decorate the façade. The acanthus with its large, luxuriant leaves, is one of the most common plant forms to make foliage ornament and decoration. In about 1500, it replaced the ornamental cabbage leaves that were highly appreciated …

A Renaissance Façade in Tours – Une façade renaissance à Tours

The last time we were in Tours, this beautiful Renaissance façade, sculpted in 1510, was undergoing restauration. I love the fact that the signs on the gate in front explain the symbolism of the sculptures so I’m going to post details in several posts to share it with you. La dernière fois que nous étions à …

Café Univers, Tours

This lovely art deco glass dome is in the Café Univers in Tours, which dates back to 1896. The rest of the café restaurant has unfortunately been decorated in a more modern style, however. Cette belle verrière art déco se trouve dans le Café Univers à Tours, qui date de 1896. Malheureusement, le restaurant a …