Saint-Aignan-sur-Cher Bridge – Le pont de Saint-Aignan-sur-Cher

This is yesterday’s château from the bridge. I probably presented the photos in the wrong order. The Cher is a tributary of the Loire. It joins the Loire near Villandry to the west of Tours. As you can see, the approach to the town is quite spectacular. Voici le château d’hier depuis le pont. J’ai …

Saint Aignan Château – Château Saint-Aignan

We nearly missed this château in Saint Aignan when we debated whether or not we’d ride up the hill. I’m glad we made the effort. It is a private home but visitors can wander freely in the courtyard. During the Renaissance, the original 9th century castle became the home of the Ducs de Beauvilliers. Nous …

A Republican Church – Une église républicaine

Take a close look at the inscription above the archway into the narthex.The collegial church of Saint Aignan sur Cher, 20 K from Montrichard, built in the 11th and 12th centuries, was obviously rechristened during the French revolution. Regardez de plus près l’inscription au-dessus de l’arche du narthex. L’église collégiale de Saint-Aignan-sur-Cher, à vingt kilomètres …

Beach Volley Anyone? – Vous voulez jouer au beach volley ?

Surprisingly, this is not at the seaside, but at Montrichard on the Cher, whose beach has delighted many families for decades. The water is 24°C. Aussi étonnant que cela puisse paraître on n’est pas en bord de mer mais à Montrichard sur le Cher dont la plage fait le grand plaisir des familles depuis des décennies. L’eau est à …

Amboise in August – Amboise en août

Here’s my once-a-month photo of Amboise. Every first Friday of the month, the Loire Connexion, a friendly anglophone and anglophile community in the Loire Valley, meets informally at Le Shaker, a cocktail bar on l’Ile-d’Or. Come and join us sometime! Just a reminder, here is last month’s photo. Voici ma photo mensuelle d’Amboise. Tous les premiers vendredi …

Tour of Les Grouets – Visite des Grouëts

You may remember a photo in June of four young explorers who were preparing a visit of our neighbourhood in Blois, Les Grouets. On Friday, I heard a lot of noise outside the gate so went to see what was going on. About twenty people were touring Les Grouets, so I invited them in so that they could …

In front of the castle – Devant le château

Not a bike this time, but a charabanc (thank you Susan) which I know I’ve already posted before but it looked just perfect in front of Blois Royal Castle today – and is driven by a woman as well. Pas de vélo cette fois-ci mais une voiture à cheval que j’ai déjà publiée sur ce …

The Postman's Bike – Le vélo du facteur

Another bike – the postman’s this time – and see the little sign that says “Accueil vélo”? It’s because it’s a B&B that is specially geared towards travelling cyclists. I was taking a photo of the bike with the sign when the postman came out of the building.. Encore un vélo – celui du facteur …

Happy Holidays! – Bonnes vacances !

I was amused to see this display in one corner of the bank today, advertising Visa. The French loves their holidays – most people have four weeks in summer and one week in winter. J’étais amusée de voir ce coin pub Visa à la banque aujourd’hui. On connaît  bien l’importance des vacances chez les Français.