The great thing about clematis macropetala is that it blooms in June when most of the other clematis have finished flowering. Ce que j’aime le plus chez la clématite macropetala est qu’elle fleurit en juin lorsque la plupart des autres clématites ont terminé leur floraison.
Author Archives: avril
Orléans Cathedral from George V bridge – La cathédral d'Orléans depuis le pont George V
Had a busy day yesterday which stopped me from posting but I took this photo from the George V bridge in Orleans. In front of the cathedral you can see the Emprreinte Hotel which is currently being renovated. Nous étions très occupés hier ce qui m’a empêché de publier une photo mais j’ai pris celle-ci …
The Three Keys – Les trois clés
There is a three keys street, a three keys pharmacie, a three keys restaurant and a three keys grocery stone in Blois but the only information I can find on the origin of these three large keys is that several locksmiths lived in the street. Nous avons la rue des Trois clés, la pharmacie des Trois clés, …
Lamppost Line-up – Suite de lampadaires
I love the line-up of lampposts on Pont Gabriel Bridge over the Loire in Blois. While the road over the bridge is being renovated, cyclists have to use the footpath. J’aime bien cette série de lampadaires sur le pont Gabriel sur la Loire à Blois. Pendant les travaux sur le pont, les cyclistes doivent empruntés …
Gabarres in Vienne – Gabarres à Vienne
I took this photo when I was almost across the other side of Pont Gabriel bridge in Blois yesterday. You can see the traditional gabarre flat-bottomed boats on the Loire River. J’ai pris cette photo lorsque j’avais presque traversé le pont Gabriel à Blois hier. On voit les gabarres traditionnels ancrés dans la Loire.
Flowers and a Bridge – Des fleurs et un pont
Another town (Blois v. Orléans), another bridge (Gabriel v. George-V), same river (Loire), same century (18th) same time of day (dusk). Une autre ville (Blois v. Orléans), un autre pont (Gabriel v. George-V), même fleuve (la Loire), même siècle (18ème), même heure de la journée (crépuscule).
George V Bridge in Orléans – Pont George-V à Orléans
This strange looking buildling is one of a pair at the end of the George V bridge over the Loire in Orléans, built between 1751 and 1763, and was used to collect the city toll. The bridge, initially called the Pont Royal, then Pont National, was renamed during World War I after King George V of …
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The Bandstand in June – Le kiosque à musique en juin
Back in January, I posted the photo below of a garden I saw in Chouzy-sur-Cisse. I wondered at the time what it would be like in summer. It turns out to be mainly a vegetable garden with a few rose bushes. A little disappointing … En janvier, j’ai posté la photo ci-dessous d’un jardin que …
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A Hole in the Wall – Un trou dans le mur
Today Jean Michel started on the new window in our kitchen which should be 1 m 10 by 1 m 30. The bad news is that there is an electricity duct and a water pipe in the middle. Not an obstacle in itself but extra time-consuming work! At least the wall didn’t collapse which was always …
A Country Road – Une route de campagne
The quality of this photo is not marvellous I agree, but I took it with my iPhone while cycling behind the buggy which we came across on a country road. La qualité de cette photo n’est pas merveilleuse je vous l’accorde, mais je l’ai prise avec mon iPhone lorsque j’étais en vélo derrière cette voiture …