A New Visitor – Le nouveau visiteur

We saw this little hedgehog and its mate in our garden for the first time today. My son Patrick who was visiting used Jean Michel’s telephoto lens to take this lovely photo. The little fellow was about 15 centimeters long. We later saw them in our little wood. We hope they’re here to stay because it …

Early Morning Station – Gare de bonne heure

This morning I took the 6.56 am train from Blois de Paris, knowing that the temperature would go from 13°C on the platform to 30°C during the day! Ce matin j’ai pris de train de 6h56 de Blois à Paris, en sachant que je passerais de 13°C sur le quai à 30° C dans la journée …

Walking the Drill – On promène la foreuse

We’ve been having very noisy fun at our place! This man really did look as though he was walking a large dog as he took his hydraulic drill around the back of the house to drill a well for our future heat pump. What a mess it made of the garden … Nous nous amusons bien …

Roses in the Afternoon – Des roses, l'après-midi

One of the advantages of working from home is that I can wander out into the garden for a break. One of the disadvantages is that I sometimes don’t get much further! Un des avantages à travailler à la maison est que je peux faire une pause dans le jardin. Un des désavantages est que …

First Neighbours' Day – Première fête des voisins

On Friday we organised our first Neighbours’ Day. We ended up with 31 adults and 5 children. La fête des voisins also called Immeubles en fête (which roughly means festive flats) was created at the turn of the century (this one!), at the initiative of one Atanase Périfan in the 17th arrondissement in Paris. It was …

CDP theme day – Stylish Once

I had a few candidates for ths month’s City Daily Photo Theme Day of stylish but this is the only one Jean Michel and I agreed on.  This neglected corner is in an 18th century private park near Gien  For other entries, click here. J’avais plusieurs possibilités pour la journée thème de City Daily Pboto ce …

Up, Up and Away! – C'est parti !

After our disappointment last week as the hot air balloon that didn’t get off the ground, we were delighted to witness no less than three take-offs opposite château de Chaumont yesterday – a much better location! The video below shows the first one taking off. Après notre déception la semaine dernière lorsque la montgolfière n’a …

Bramble or Blackberries? – Ronces ou murs ?

We are constantly getting rid of brambles in our garden yet here they are halfway along our street, looking very decorative with their little white flowers. How can you tell the difference between brambles and blackberry bushes? Nous cherchons constamment à nous débarrasser des ronces dans notre jardin mais les voilà dans notre rue, très décoratives …

Pink Roses and a Blue Door – Des roses roses et une porte bleue

Yesterday, I posted a photo of a door on the bike path from Saint Dyé-sur-Loire to Chambord. This photo was taken in the little street leading through the first doorway.The twisted trunk on the right is wisteria. Hier j’ai publié la photo d’une porte sur la piste cyclable entre Saint Dyé-sur-Loire et Chambord. La photo d’uajourd’hui est prise …