An Inviting Bike Path – Une piste cyclable très tentante

The bike path from Saint Dyé sur Loire to Chambord goes along a little street lined with flowers, then through a first doorway, underneath an archway and into a small public garden before coming out through this second door. La piste cyclable qui mène de Saint Dyé sur Loire à Chambord passe dans une petite rue …

The Air Balloon that Stayed on the Ground – La montgolfière qui n'est pas partie

As we were coming home from our bike ride to Chambord, we saw a hot air balloon in a field. We waited a while in the hope of seeing its blown up but in the end the wind was too strong. Fortunately, one of the passengers waved at us to indicate that the flight was …

Ice-cream anyone? Une glace peut-être?

As soon as I closed the office for today at 4 pm, we left to go cycling. We had an ice-cream break in Chambord. How lucky we are to live in the Loire Valley! Dès que j’ai fermé mon bureau aujourd’hui à 16 heures, on est parti faire du vélo. On a fait une pause-glace …

Trying out a lathe – Tournons du bois

Bread baking wasn’t the only attraction last Sunday at Les Grouets. We could also try our hand at a lathe. I got in early before the kids and their dads arrived – after that, you couldn’t even get close up! Le four à pain n’était pas la seule attraction à la Fête du pain dimanche dernier …

Entrance to Château de Menars Park – Entrée au parc du château de Menars

This is the entrance to the grounds of Château de Menars which you may remember is for sale.. You can see the bike path on the right. The Loire is on the other side of the path. Voici l’entrée du parc du château de Ménars qui vous vous rappelez peut-être est à vendre . On voit la piste cyclable …

Tiny Blue Tits – Toutes petites mésanges

Today’s photo comes from Clare Lepetit who lives near Cheverny. “These little blue tits were born in the roof of my Loire Valley angels workshop and on Sunday morning they fledged. Sadly, I’ve since found 2 that didn’t make that initial jump successfully. However, these two seem to be fighting fit. Following their photo-shoot they scaled …

Bread-Baking Day – La fête du pain

For the 9th consecutive year, our neighbourhood, Les Grouets, held a bread-baking day at part of the French national fête du pain celebrations. Norbert, the owner of the century-old wood-fired oven, starts heating it four days beforehand. Local children bring along their brioches on Friday but the main celebration is on Sunday. I took along two …

The Little Nursery – La petite pépinière

Each time we go past this little nursery, I’m intrigued so today I stopped and took a photo. My nursery is nothing like this one! It even has a front-door bell. Chaque fois que nous passons devant cette petite pépinière je suis intriguée donc aujourd’hui je me suis arrêtée pour prendre une photo. La mienne …

The Peace Rose – La rose de la paix

The peace rose has a lovely story. To quote Wikipedia: In early 1945 Meilland wrote to Field Marshal Alan Brooke (later Viscount Alanbrooke), the principal author of the master strategy that won the Second World War, to thank him for his key part in the liberation of France and to ask if Brooke would give his …