The Hunting Lodge – Le pavillon de chasse

It’s not a hunting lodge, of course, but it is a place to lodge hunters! There are lots of these little structures in Sologne for hunters to hide in. There were about ten in a row in this particular area that we cycled past on Châteaux à vélo itinerary.#7. Ce n’est pas un pavillon de …

A sluice gate in Sologne – Une vanne en Sologne

Sologne is full of marshland and ponds. Dykes have been added along with sluice gates to fill and empty ponds as needed. The second photo shows a dried pond. La Sologne est pleine de marais et d’étangs. On a rajouté des digues et des vannes pour remplir et vider les étangs au besoin. La deuxième …

The Killer Moth – Le papillon tueur

Jean Michel notice yesterday that our boxwood hedge was looking miserable then today, he took a closer look at the three boxwood bushes in the front garden and discovered a cute little caterpillar. It turns out that the Box Tree Moth, a native to easter Asia, arrived in France with a bang in 2007 from Germany and …

Broom in Sologne – Genêt en Sologne

After a lot of rain and cold recently, today the weather was warm and sunny as you can see from the blue sky. We cycled in Sologne which is full of blooming broom at the moment. Après la pluie et le froid qu’on a eu récemment aujourd’hui il faisait beau et chaud comme vous pouvez voir …

Itsy wincy spider – L'araignée gypsy

We found this ittle colony of baby spiders on the back door handle of our car this morning! I was sorry I didn’t have a more appropriate camera. Nous avons trouvé cette petite colonie d’araignées bébé sur la poignée de la porte arrière de la voiture ce matin ! J’ai regrette de ne pas avoir un …

Unidentified Underwater Object – Objet immergé non-identifié

Liliane Allouin took this photo recently when the Cosson was flooded. I can’t imagine what the roof belongs to! I’m waiting for her answer …Any idea? Liliane Allouin a pris cette photo récemment lors de la crue du Cosson. Je ne sais pas du tout à quoi correspond ce toit. J’attends sa réponse …Des idées …

Almost on the bike path – Presque sur la piste cyclable

With all the recent rain, the Loire is almost over the bike path opposite the church of Saint Nicolas and the castle in Blois. Below, a little further along the banks of the river – but without the sun! Avec toute la pluie qu’on a eu récemment, la Loire recouvre presque la piste cyclable en face …

The All Rounder – L'homme de la situation

I took this photo in the little town of Châtillon-sur-Loire during our recent cycling trip along the Loire east of Orleans. The shop’s closed but it was once run by a roofer/plumber. Ferblanterie comes from fer blanc or “white iron” which means “tin”. A ferblanterie can also be an ironmonger’s store. Zinguerie comes from “zinc” …

Sun's Out! – Enfin du soleil !

After several days of endless rain, we were relieved to see the sun when we woke up this morning. After being soaked with rain for the last few days, the viburnum has perked up considerably.. Après des journées très pluvieuses, on était bien contente de trouver le soleil au réveil aujourd’hui. Les fleurs de viorne désormais …

Saint Benoît sur Loire

This is another photo from our recent cycling trip along the Loire to the east of Orléans. The basilica at Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire started in the 11th century with a crypt and sanctuary and was finally completed in the about 1218. The porch tower, built in about 1020, is a symbol of the celestial Jerusalem in the …