Château de Sully-sur-Loire, whose keep was built in about 1395, has been built and rebuilt over the centuries. Its imposing mediaeval architecture is reflected and enhanced by its moat. Le château de Sully-sur-Loire dont le donjon a été construit vers 1395 a été complété au fur et à mesure des siècles. Son imposante architecture médiévale est mise …
Author Archives: avril
Châteauneuf-sur-Loire is a little town of about 8,000 people on the north bank of the Loire and part of the Loire à Vélo and Eurovélo cycling routes. The river banks are a delight for both cyclists and pedestrians. There are also many gabarres flat-bottom boats. Sur le circuit de la Loire à Vélo et l’Eurovélo 6, …
Garage Sale in les Grouets – Vide-grenier aux Grouets
We were very lucky with the weather for the first garage sale held in Les Grouets, in the grounds of the old school. A beautiful setting! And we had great fun with our neighbours. Nous avons eu de la chance avec le temps pour le premier vide-grenier aux Grouets dans le parc de l’ancienne école. …
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Star of Bethlehem – Dame de onze heures
I love the name of these lovely little flowers in French which means “late morning ladyz In English. Ornithogalum umbelletum is also called Bath Asparagus. Dove’s Dung. Star of Hungary and White Filde Onyon. Mostly native to Southern Europe, they belong to the family Asparagaceae and grow from a bulb. Akin to onion and garlic, the bulbs are edible. J’adore le nom de …
The Pyramidal Apple Tree – Le pommier pyramidal
Amazingly, the tree in the foreground is an apple tree! In the background is the beautiful magnolia below. Both are in the Orangery Garden at Château de Cheverny. A notre grande surprise, l’arbre en premier plan est un pommier ! A l’arrière plan se trouve le beau magnolia ci-dessous. Les deux se trouvent dans le jardin …
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The Hilltop Church – L'église en haut de la colline
I took this photo before going down the hill on our bike route because I certainly wasn’t going to stop on the way back. It is in the village of Rilly-sur-Loire between Chaumont and Amboise. J’ai pris cette photo avant de descendre la pente sur notre circuit vélo parce que je savais que je n’allais …
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River of Tulips at Cheverny – Une rivière de tulipes à Cheverny
I have to say that, apart from the tulips in front of the Orangery in Cheverny, I was not impressed by their display which I thought lacked imagination like their Christmas decorations. At no point can you see the château itself from the tulip beds. I did, however, try to make the most of the …
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Tulips at the Orangery in Cheverny – Tulipes à l'orangerie à Cheverny
We finally made it to Château de Cheverny when the tulips are out. Each year they plant 100,000 bulbs. The first photo is taken in front of the Orangery where the tulips in full sun all day are starting to go past their best-by date! The second photo, taken with my back to the Orangery, shows …
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House in the Distance – Maison en arrière plan
This typical house in the area can be seen from the bike path between Candé-sur-Beuvron and Chailles, on the other side of the Loire from us. It was a great day for cycling. Cette maison typique de la région est visible depuis la piste cyclable entre Candé-sur-Beuvron et Chailles qui se trouvent de l’autre côté …
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Bike Path in Spring – Piste cyclable au printemps
A little late this year, but cycling weather is here at last. This is the bike path between Ménar and Saint Dyé which runs along the Loire. Un peu tard cette année mais le temps nous permet enfin de faire du vélo. Cette piste cyclable le long de la Loire se trouve entre Ménar et Saint Dyé.