We have always seen château de Ménars, built in the 18th century, from the bike path along the Loire. Today we passed it on the other side. It’s for sale! To quote the local newspaper La Nouvelle République “Exasperated by the harrassment which he believes he is being subjected to by the French taxation, American businessman …
Author Archives: avril
Loire Boats – Bâteaux ligériens
We went cycling today at last, along the Loire. These are typical traditional flat-bottomed boats, called gabarres at Saint Dyé sur Loire. Nous avons enfin fait du vélo aujourd’hui le long de la Loire. Voici les bâteaux traditionnels de la région, appelés gabarres, à Saint-Dyé-sur-Loire.
The Post Mill – Le moulin cavier
I have already photographed the Saint-Jacques Windmill from the bike path but had never seen it from the highway. It is an Angevin-type cavier or post mill, highly recognisable due to its circular stone building surmounted by a wooden cone supporting a windshaft or hucherolle to which the sails are attached. Movement is transmitted through the cone to millstones …
Flowers on the Forest Floor – Le sous-bois jardin
Spring is everywhere – including on the forest floor. The little purplish blue flowers are periwinkles. Le printemps est partout, y compris dans les sous-bois. Les petites fleurs mauves sont des pervenches.
Maison N° 11
I love original number plaques on houses. I just have to find someone to make mine! I have a lovely black & white drawing to use. J’adore les belles plaques numérotées sur des maisons. Il ne reste plus qu’à trouver quelqu’un pour m’en faire une. J’ai déjà un beau dessin en noir et blanc à utiliser. …
The Train Track – Le chemin de fer
Our house is two doors down from the last house in the photo on the left. This is the closest we can get from the other side of the train tracks. Notre maison se trouve à deux portes depuis la deuxième maison à gauche dans la photo. C’est le plus près qu’on puisse approcher depuis …
Amboise at Dusk – Amboise au crépuscule
The view of Amboise from Ile d’Or island opposite the castle is always beautiful no matter what time of year it is or what the weather is like. Quelque soit l’époque de l’année ou le temps la vue d’Amboise depuis l’île d’or en face du château est toujours belle. .
Early Purple Orchid – Orchis mâle
This early purple orchid (Orchis mascula) is always the first to bloom in our little wood at Closerie Falaiseau, way ahead of the others. Cet orchis mâle est toujours le premier orchidé à fleurir dans notre petit bois à la Closerie Falaiseau, bien avant les autres.
Pliant Bamboo – Bambou pliant
We cut our bamboo recently and were surprised and a little worried to see it almost at a 70° angle. A couple of hours later, I saw it was upright again and assumed Jean Michel had tied it back. But he hadn’t. Next day, I saw it bend over again and straighten up very elegantly in …
April Fish Day – Poisson d'avril
Had I been smart enough, I would have used this photo for the camera-shy self-portrait theme yesterday. In France, April Fool’s Day is called “poisson d’avril” It consists of sticking a paper fish on someone’s back and seeing how long they go without realising it is there. Once the fish is discovered you shout “Poisson d’avril”. Since my …