CDP theme day – What would you miss? My house!

The theme this month on CIty Daily Photo is what would you miss if you had to leave the city you usually post from forever. Well, my answer is easy: Closerie Falaiseau, our Renaissance home built in 1584. Can you blame me? For other entries, click here. Le thème de City Daily Photo ce mois-ci est …

In the Grips of Flu – Terrassée par la grippe

Here is my only view since Saturday afternoon. I am in the grips of a bout of flu that I would wish upon no one (but unfortunately I have given it to at least two people). Voilà ma seule vue depuis samedi après-midi. Je suis terrée par une grippe que je ne souhaiterais à personne …

The Bandstand – Le kiosque à musique

I saw this yesterday when going for a walk in the neighbouring village of Chouzy sur Cisse. I’ll have to go back in the summer and see what it’s like. J’ai vu ce kiosque hier lorsque je me promenais dans le village voisin de Chouzy sur Cisse. Il faut que j’y retourne en été pour …