Little cascade on the Cisse River seen when cycling. Petite cascade sur la Cisse vue du vélo.
Author Archives: avril
Two Red Burghers and a Dog – Deux bourgeois et un chien rouges
These sculpted figures decorate the façade of the Veyssière Sigma bookshop in rue Colbert in the historical quarter of Tours near the cathedral.I don’t have any further information but they would seem to be contemporary with the Acrobats’ House in Blois, that is, late 15th century. Ces personnages sculptés se trouvent dans le quartier historique de …
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A Water MIll in Chouzy – Un moulin à eau à Chouzy
Built on the Cisse, the village of Chouzy-sur-Cisse has many old watermills. I love the reflection of the window in the right-hand canal and the little coloured flower pots. Etant construit sur la Cisse, le village de Chouzy-sur-Cisse a de nombreux anciens moulins. J’aime bien la réflexion de la fenêtre dans le canal de droite …
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Early Autumn Reflections – Réflexions au début d'automne
We weren’t expecting to be able to cycle today after yesterday’s rain but the sky was blue all afternoon. Nous ne pensions pas faire du vélo aujourd’hui après la pluie d’hier mais le ciel était bleu toute l’après-midi.
Skidding – Débardage
Skidding is the operation in which logs are transported from the cutting site to a temporary site where they are loaded onto trucks and sent to the mill. We saw this skidder in the wood where we go mushroom picking. Le débardage est la première opération après la coupe forestière; Elle consiste à transporter des arbres abattus vers le lieu de …
The Apple Buyers – Les acheteurs de pommes
These two brothers were choosing apples at the market while their father was buying vegetables. When the father came back, the youngest said, “Dad, we took the biggest ones!” Ces deux frères sélectionnaient des pommes au marché pendant que leur père achetait des légumes. Lorsque le père est revenu, le plus jeune lui a dit, …
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All lined up – Tout aligné
Lilian Allouin, a friend and neighbour from Les Grouets, took this photo of old shoes filled with plants lined up on the wall of a friend’s house in the pretty little village of Lavardin. C’est Liliane Allouin, amie et voisine des Grouets, qui a pris cette photo de ces vieilles chaussures garnies de plantes chez …
Noah's Ark – L'arche de Noé
I didn’t go down onto the quay in Tours to find out what this boat really is but as you can see from the person next to it, it’s very big. Je ne suis pas descendue sur le quai à Tours pour savoir à quoi correspond ce bâteau mais vous pouvez vous rendre compte de …
The Stone Cable – La cordelière en pierre
I love this detail on Hôtel Pierre du Puy (hôtel means town house or mansion in this case) built by Pierre du Puy,, a merchant and burgher of Tours in the late 5th or early 16th century. The cable moulding, seen on many buildings of the same period, is usually a tribute to Anne of …
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Home Sweet Home
We would really have preferred sun on the first day of our permanent life at Closerie Falaiseau in Blois – we just have to go back to Paris for a few days at the end of October to make sure the removalists are doing their job properly! Nous aurions préféré un peu de soleil le …