Calm before the fire – Calme avant le feu

A peaceful photo of the riverbank in Blois near Gabriel Bridge. Today, a fire broke out in the parking area closer to the bridge around 4 pm. The photo of the six burnt cars below  is courtesy of Jon Scorse who had moved his car from the area just one hour earlier! The origin of …

CBD Theme Day – French Rust Collection – Rouille à la française

Second-hand markets probably contain the highest percentage of different types of rust. This photo was taken at the monthly market in Blois. For other contributions to the City Daily Photo theme day – zest! – click here. C’est dans les brocantes qu’on trouve surement le plus grand pourcentage de différents types de rouille. Cette photo est …

Steaming Paella – Paella fumante

Paella is a traditional dish from Valencia in Spain based on short-grain rice and mussels which derives its name from the pan used to make it, but it’s been popular in France for a long time now and can often be found at the market. We also saw our friend Sire Damien who makes those …

Chouzy sur Cisse Town Hall – Mairie de Chouzy sur Cisse

I love the steps on the town hall in the nearby village of Chouzy sur Cisse, which has a population of fewer than 2,000 people. A little girl was sitting very decoratively on the steps but she ran off when she say me take the photo! J’aime bien l’escalier de la mairie du village voisin …

Noizay Local School – Ecole Communale de Noizay

This is the local primary and pre-school in Noizay, 10 km from Amboise, on the road to Tours. It has a population of about 1200 inhabitants. The school has four classes totalling about 100 children, from ages 3 to 9. The town hall, much less impressive, is on the other size. Voici l’école primaire de Noizay, à …

Beyond the Wall – Par-dessus le mur

During our evening promenade in Les Grouets, our neighbourhood in Blois, we always pass this manor house with its turrent, probably built in the 18th century. I love the semi-circular shutters. Ce manoir avec sa tourelle, sans doute construit au 18è siècle se trouve sur notre promenade du soir aux Grouets, le quartier de Blois où …

Amboise Royal Castle in Summer – Château royal d'Amboise en été

Ile d’Or in the middle of the Loire offers the best view of Amboise Royal Castle in my opinion. You can find lots of other photos of Amboise on Amboise Daily Photo. A mon avis, l’île d’Or en plein milieu de la Loire offre la meilleur vue du château royal d’Amboise. Vous trouverez d’autres photos d’Amboise …