Postcard from Germany: The White Windmill – Le Moulin blanc

< We came across this windmill when cycling along the Elbe between Meissen and Riese. You may remember the post windmill I published earlier. Notice the very patriotic car. We’re rather worried about how popular we’ll be if France wins the soccer against Germany on Friday. Nous avons vu ce moulin lorsqu’on faisait du vélo …

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Celebrating Summer with Sunflowers

What better way to celebrate summer than with sunflowers? For other entries in the City Daily Photo Theme Day, click here. Quelle meilleure façon de fêter l’été qu’avec des tournesols? Pour voir les autres photos de la journée thème de City Daily Photo, cliquez ici.

Postcard from Germany: Timely Sundial – Cadran soleil à l'heure

The very simple sundial on the Rathaus (Town Hall) in Stadt Wehlen in Saxony has the unusual feature of telling the right time, unlike those I have seen in Blois which are always on winter time. Ce cadran solaire très simple sur le Rathaus (mairie) à Stadt Wehlen dans la Saxe est inhabituel car il …

Postcard from Germany – High Water on the Elbe – Crues de l'Elbe

At the beginning of the week, I posted a photo of high water marks on the Moselle. We’ve changed locations and are now on the Elbe, near Konigstein, not far from the Czech border. The highest mark show here was in 1981. Au début de la semaine, j’ai publié une photo de l’échelle des crues …

Postcard from Germany: Sandbanks in the Rhine – Bancs de sable dans le Rhin

Like the Loire, the Rhine in Germany near Koblenz has a few sandbanks but although they narrow the navigating channel they don’t prevent vessels from passing. Tout comme la Loire, le Rhin en Allemagne près de Coblence a quelques rares bancs de sable mais bien qu’ils rendent le chenal plus étroit ils n’empêche pas le …

Postcard from Germany: Vineyards in Moselle – Vignobles de la Moselle

The main grapes varieties along the Moselle are riesling, muller-thurgau and dornfelder. Most of the vines grow on very steep hills, especially the riesling, and you only occasionally see them on flat ground. Les cépages principaux sur la Moselle sont le riesling, le muller-thurgau et le dornfelder. La plupart des vignes poussent sur des coteaux …

Postcard from Germany: Allotments on the Rhine – jardins ouvriers sur le Rhin

The allotments we saw today along the Rhine River reminded me of the frozen allotments we saw last year winter in Amboise. Les jardins ouvriers que nous avons vu aujourd’hui au bord du Rhin m.ont fait pense à ceux que nous avons vu en hiver à Amboise.

Postcard from Germany: High Water – Crue

For the next month we’ll be cycling in Germany so instead of photos of Blois, Loire and chateaux I’ll be posting photos of Germany that have some sort of connection to the Loire Valley. Like the Loire, the Moselle is subject to flooding. Pendant un mois nous serons en Allemagne en train de faire du …