First Raspberries – Premières framboises

After mangoes, raspberries are my favourite fruit and they are best straight from the bush. The first thing we planted when we bought our house two years ago were 4 raspberry bushes, scheduled to produce fruit one after the other. Last year, I was rather disappointed in the result, but this year, the first bush …

Short-tailed lizard – Lésard à queue courte

Lizards really do grow new tails! We saw this little one ten days ago and saw it again today. He’s grown half a tail. Les lésards sont réellement capables de refaire leur queue. Nous avons vu celui-ci il y a une dizaine de jours et nous l’avons revu aujourd’hui. Il a fait pousser la moitié d’une …

Poppy Field – Champ de coquelicots

When I was growing up in the north of Australia among frangipani trees, gum trees and coconut palms, poppies were flowers in English novels. I can still remember my first poppies when I arrived in France, along the railway line. They have remained one of my favourites. Lorsque j’ai grandi dans le nord de l’Australie …

Arch to Nowhere – L'Arche qui mène nulle part

I loved going under this archway when we cycle between Blois and Saint Dyé sur Loire. It used to be connected to a bridge before, of course. J’adore passer sous cette arche lorsqu’on fait du vélo entre Blois et Saint Dyé sur Loire. Autrefois, bien sûr, elle était reliée à un pont.  

The Brick Tower – La tour en brique

This is a different view of the courtyard of the Lion d’or restaurant and hotel in Romorantin that you can see in my post entitled  Courtyard Lunch. It was built in the 16th century and has been a hotel since 1774. C’est une autre vue de la cour du restaurant et hôtel Le Lion d’or …

White Mystery Flower – Fleur blanche inconnue

We’re still discovering new flowers in our garden. I have no idea what this one is. It’s a little bit like a waterlily, isn’t it? Nous découvrons toujours de nouvelles fleurs dans notre jardin. Je n’ai aucune idée du nom de celle-ci. Elle  ressemble un peu à un nénuphar, n’est-ce pas?  

Lavoir de Cour sur Loire

The last time we saw this washhouse built in 1875 in the middle of the hamlet of Vivier next to a fountain that supplies water to a little stream, it was pouring with rain. It was the perfect shelter for us and our bikes! La dernière fois que nous avons vu ce lavoir construit en 1875 …