Twin Towers – Les deux tours

We were surprised to find these twin towers near the old corn market. They look as though they are part of the old city walls but for the moment I don’t have any further information. Ces deux tours  à côté de la Halle aux Grains nous ont surpris. On imagine qu’elles font partie de l’ancienne enceinte …

The Chatroom – Le caquetoire

Like most of the churches in Sologne, Saint Etienne in Cheverny built in the 12th century, has a “caquetoire” which is a covered area around the church door where people could stay and chat. Maybe there is a term in English but I can’t find it! Comme la plupart des églises de la Sologne, Saint …

The Brick Kiln – Le four à briques

The brick kilm from the old Laleu tilery in Cour-Cheverny, located at 12 rue Denet, Carroir, is one of the rare vestiges of one of the Loir et Cher’s flourishing traditional industries. In the early 20th century, every town or village in Sologne had between one and four brick kilns that produced the tiles and …

The Hatching Tank – Le Bassin d'éclosion

The sign says that it’s a fish breeding tank but in fact, it’s a hatching tank. Marquis Paul de Vibraye, who owned Château de Cheverny at the time, invented an ingenious device to oxygenate the water from a nearby spring when it came into contact with the air. Built in the mid-19th century to breed …

The Oyster Boat – La barque aux huîtres

This well-stocked boat selling oysters and mussels is on Route Nationale (D956)  just before Cosson Bridge next to a wine merchant. Open from the begininng of October to the end of April all day Friday and Saturday morning. Cette barque bien achalandée se trouve sur la route Nationale  (D 956) juste avant le pont sur …

Fog on Mitterand Bridge – Brouillard sur le pont Mitterand

When the north wind blows on the Loire, the mornings are often foggy. The mist remained all morning, followed by bright sunshine. Mittérand Bridge, inaugurated in 1994, is one of three bridges over the Loire in Blois. Lorsque le vent du nord souffle sur la Loire, les matinées sont souvent brumeuses. Ce brouillard est resté toute …

View from Chaumont – Vue depuis Chaumont

Fifteen years ago, when I visited Château de Chamont for the first time with Jean Michel, he showed me “his” Loire. At the time, I found it somewhat austere. Today, it has become “my” Loire too. Il y a plus de quinze ans lorsque j’ai visité le château de Chaumont pour la première fois avec …

The Open Fireplace – Le foyer ouvert

I always find it amusing to see the remains of a room open to the elements. I’m not sure what this building is at the entrance to the royal fortress of Chinon but it still has its original monumental fireplace. Je trouve amusant de voir les restes d’une pièce ouverte aux intempéries. Je ne sais …

Through the arch to Chinon Castle – De l'arche au château de Chinon

Maybe Joan of Arc passed through this lovely pointed arch on her way up to the royal fortress of Chinon. Jeanne d’Arc est peut-être passée par ce joli arc d’ogive pour gagner la forteresse royale de Chinon.