Mer Town Hall – Mairie de Mer

The well-restored town hall in the town of Mer which, despite its name, is not on the sea. In fact, “mer” is derived from “mera” or “marais” meaning marsh. The Loire is 2 kilometers from the southern tip of the town with its population of about 6,000 people, 25 kilometers from north-east of Blois, on …

Montrichard in Winter – Montrichard en hiver

The pretty little town of Montrichard is about 30 kilometers south of Blois and stands on the Cher River, beneath the ruins of its 11th century mediaeval castle. La jolie petite ville de Montrichard se trouve à une trentaine de kilomètres au sud de Blois sur le Cher, dominée par les ruines de son château …

Ile d'Or in Winter – Ile d'Or en hiver

There is an island opposite the Royal Castle of Amboise called Ile d’Or or the Golden Island. Today it shone under the combined effect of sun and frost. Juste en face du château royal d’Amboise il y a l’île d’Or. Aujourd’hui, l’île brillait sous l’effet du soleil et du givre.

Community Gardens in Amboise – Jardins ouvriers à Amboise

I usually leave photos of Amboise to Stuart on Amboise Daily Photo, but I couldn’t resist this one of the very frosty community gardens on our way from the butcher in Chaumont to the Amboise market. Normalement je laisse à Stuart de Amboise Daily Photo le soin de prendre des photos sa ville mais je …

A lake in Sologne – Un lac en Sologne

Sologne is a vast area of about 5,000 square kilometers that starts slightly south east of Blois and is bound on the north by the Loire River and on the south by one of its affluents, the Cher. It includes château de Chambord and is known for its many lakes, ponds, marshes and forests. Its …

View from my window in winter – Vue depuis ma fenêtre en hiver

Same view from my window at Closerie Falaiseau a few hours apart. It is the Loire River opposite that causes the morning mist. We hope the overhead wires will be eliminated one day. Même vue depuis ma fenêtre à la Closerie Falaiseau à quelques heures d’intervalle.  C’est la Loire en face qui provoque le brouillard …