Boar sighting in Blois – Sanglier vu à Blois

We were taking a walk in Les Grouets when we sighted this boar head on a garage. The sign beneath says “Le Petit Vautrait”. A “vautrait” is a pack of hounds for wild boar hunting. We’re just next door to Sologne, the former hunting ground of François I. C’est en se promenant dans le quartier …

Renaissance Balconies – Balcons Renaissance

  These balconies are at the top of the main staircase of the François I wing of Blois Castle. They enabled the courtiers to see the king coming up the staircase and to contemplate the festivities organised in the Court of Honour below. As usual, there are several salamanders. Ces balcons couronnent le grand escalier …

Museum of the Resistance – Musée de la Résistance

Like many French towns, Blois suffered during the Second World War. The Loir-et-Cher Museum of the Resistance, Deportation and LIberation, founded in 1995 at the initiative of former prisoners in concentration camps and Resistance fighters in the Loir-et-Cher, is a forceful reminder of what happened during World War II. This post is part of Theme Thursdayon …

Floor tiles and autumn leaves in the King's Oratory – Pavés et feuilles d'automne dans l'oratoire du roi

A few autumn leaves on the floor tiles of the king’s oratory built in 1498,which is at the end of the Louis XII wing of Blois Royal Castle. Quelques feuilles d’automne sur les pavés de l’oratoire du roi construit en 1498 qui se trouve au bout de l’aile Louis XII du château royal de Blois.