Cathedral and bridge late afternoon – Cathédral et pont fin d'après-midi

We were coming back from the industrial park on the Vineuil side of the Loire when I took this slightly fuzzy photo from the car. It’s my favourite view of Blois. On revenait de la zone industrielle côté Vineuil lorsque j’ai pris cette photo un peu floue depuis la voiture. C’est ma vue préférée de …

View from the woods – Vue depuis le bois

Behind our house, Closerie Falaiseau, is a little wood that is part of the property.and is mainly inhabited by deer, but I haven’t managed to photograph them yet. Derrière notre maison, Closerie Falaiseau, nous avons un petit bois qui fait partie de la propriété et qui est surtout fréquenté par des biches, mais je n’ai …

Château Poulain

Up until 1992, the Poulain chocolate factory, built at the end of the 19th century by Auguste Poulain, was firmly established in the heart of Blois. Bought by Cadbury in 1991, the factory moved to the north of Blois, next to the A10 motorway. Today, it is owned by Kraft Foods. The remains of the …

Gathering Walnuts – Ramassage des noix

Today I gathered nuts for the first time, in a public park at the bottom of Château de Chaumont. Most of the nuts were separated from their husk or pericarp. When I separated the others, my fingers were covered in a slightly sticky black substance that is used as a dye. Now I’m going to …

Autumn Nasturtiums – Capucine d'automne

Nasturtiums add a lovely splash of colour in autumn. Capucine is a girl’s name in French and there is a popular song  called “Dansons la capucine” that children use for a circle game. You can listen to it here: (lyrics below). The reason why the dance is called “Capucine” is obscure. Les capucines rajoutent une belle touche …

Turquoise and purple house – Maison turquoise et violette

I love going past this house overlooking the Loire. It makes me think of those lovely seaside houses in Normandy.  The photo was obviously taken in the spring during wisteria time. Chaque fois que je passe devant cette maison qui surplombe la Loire, je l’admire. Elle me fait penser à ces belles maisons en bord …

Mandavilla & Pelargonium – Dipladenia & Pélargonium

I was looking for a flower for our rental accommodation that wouldn’t mind not been watered very often. My neighbour suggested the dipladenia (mandevilla splendens). This flowering vine with its pink, white, red and yellow flowers, is subtropical and mainly cultivated in pots in Europe for climatic reasons. Pelargonium is the real name of what we usually …