Sunset over Blois – Coucher de soleil sur Blois

I came out of my annual condominium meeting in Blois today for my holiday rental Châtel Rose just in time to see the sun starting to set over Gabriel Bridge. Je suis sortie de l’assemblée générale de la copropriété de mon studio de location de vacances Châtel Rose à Blois juste à temps pour voir …

Red & Black Berries – Baies rouges et noires

The black berries on this disused entrance to the grounds of a Chambord castle are sloe, the fruit of the blackthorn, which have a sharp, sour taste. The red berries are rose hips. Les baies noires à cette entrée condamnée au parc du château de Chambord sont des prunelles, le fruit du prunelier, très astringent …

Royal Vegetables – Légumes royaux

I’ve never noticed any vegetable gardens at Chateau de Chambord, but the property is certainly big enough to have a few hidden away! I was even more surprised to see their produce for sale at our local Intermarché supermarket in Blois. Je n’ai jamais remarqué de jardins potagers au château de Chambord mais la propriété …

A Hidden Gem – Un joyau caché

We were in Amboise today admiring the facade in the second photo when a lady pulled up in her car and told us to go into the property and see the Renaissance gem on the other side. No one really seems to know the history it seems. Lorsque nous étions à Amboise aujourd’hui en train …

First Mushrooms of the Season – Premiers champignons de la saison

The summer has been so dry that we are not expecting much this autumn. No boletus yet but these young parasol mushrooms, agarics and common funnel caps cooked up nicely! The parasols were well-hidden! L’été a été tellement sec que nous n’attendons pas beaucoup de champignons cette année. Pas de cèpes encore mais ces jeunes …

Dharitri : The Garden of Mother Earth – Le jardin de la terre mère

Another Chaumont Garden. In the Hindu religion, Dharitri is one of the names of the goddess Parvati, considered to be the First Supreme Energy. It means Mother Earth. She has the power to give birth to any form of life and nourish it. Encore un jardin à Chaumont. Dans la religion hindoue, Dharitri est l’un …

Souvenir of the Future – Souvenir du Future

We’ve been back to the garden festival at chateau de Chaumont. The idea here is that our planet earth is nothing in comparison with the universe and we need to remain humble before nature. Yes, we’ll. Nous sommes retournés au festival des jardins du château de Chaumont. L’idée ici est que notre planète n’est rien …