Saint Martin de La Bruère-sur-Loire

We came across this little church on our way home from Le Lude yesterday. Its construction dates from several different periods: the Romanesque nave goes back to the 11th century, the chancel and transept to the 16th century (1530 to 1560). It also has remains of the Carolingian period on the south wall of the …

Le Lude: Another Remarkable Garden – Un autre jardin remarquable

Now that we have visited the remarkable garden of Aprémont, we want to discover others. We cycled for an hour and a half in intermittent drizzle today (not the weather predicted) from Château-sur-Loir to visit Château du Lude but it was worth it. The gardens are more formal than Aprémont. We were not expecting the …

New Blog – Nouveau Blog

So here is my new interface for LoireDailyPhoto – my son downloaded all the photos (and there are many!) onto a temporary address using a new WordPress theme then switched it back to the original It is now free of all those annoying and disturbing sites and photos and you can comment again! I …

Château de Montpoupon

This is a view of Château de Montpoupon that most people don’t see – it’s usually the one in the second photo. However the bike route gives you the first view. Another advantage of cycling! Peu de personnes voient le château de Montpoupon de cet angle – la deuxième vue est beaucoup plus connue. Mais …

Cyclamens along the Cher – Cyclamens au bord du Cher

We went looking for cyclamens recently because it’s that time of the year. We came across these on our bike ride along the Cher yesterday and I think they are the best we’ve seen yet. The second photo is the house that owns the cyclamens. Nous sommes allés à la recherche des cyclamens récemment parce …

Cycling along the Cher – En vélo au bord du Cher

We are lucky enough to be close to four rivers – the Loire, the Loir, the Cher and the Indre and you can cycle along most parts of them. The Cher is the river spanned by Chateau de Chenonceau and we discovered today that the cycle paths between Chissay and Azay-sur-Cher have been immensely improved. …