Covid Confinement – Day 2

During confinement we are allowed individual physical activity so today we took a bike ride through country lanes where we were certain not to find anyone else – and we didn’t! Pendant le confinement nous pouvons pratiquer une activité individuelle alors nous sommes partis en vélo sur les petites routes de campagne où nous ne …

Supermarket during covid 19 lockdown – Supermarché pendant le confinement dû au covid 19

We are back in Blois having taken a very early flight from Heraklion. France went into lockdown at midday today. To go food shopping you need to take a self-declaration with you. Also we have discovered that only one person per household can enter the supermarket at the same time and the total number of …

Postcard from Crete – The ancient Minoan town of Gournia

Fortunately the Minoen archeological site at Gournia can be seen from the road. We are cutting short our stay by 3 days and leaving tomorrow at the crack of dawn due to rain, lower temperatures and everything closed but we have really enjoyed our time here. Heureusement le site archéologique minoen de Gournia est visible …

Postcard from Crete – Agios Nikolaos

This is the very place where I recklessly threw an empty glass over my shoulder into the water on Christmas Eve 1976. I recognized it immediately but that was all. Today Greece closed all its restaurants, cafés, museums and archeological sites until at least 30th March. There are no declared cases of covid 19 in …