Author Archives: avril
Snowdrops but no snow – Perce-neiges sans neige
Ducks Crossing – Attention aux canards
City Daily Photo Theme Day – Streetscape
In the city of Blois there is not much traffic in the Main Street in winter at 4 pm on a weekday! For other takes on the same theme across the globe, click here. A Blois il n’y a pas beaucoup de circulation au centre ville en hiver à 16h en semaine ! Pour d’autres …
A Newly Renovated Corner of Orléans
We discovered this newly renovated square in Orléans today. The Loire is at the end of the street. Aujourd’hui nous avons découvert cette place qui vient d’être rénovée à Orléans. La Loire est au bout de la rue.
Hi-Tech Healthcare – Santé haute technologie
I went to see a new radiographer today and was amazed at the hi-tech reception system that the mainly retired population seemed to be dealing with rather well. First you insert you medical card (called a carte vitale) and then you select why you are there. You get a ticket accompanied by an awful phone …
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Winter Walk – Promenade d’hiver
We seem to be having a very mild winter this year. The temperature has rarely gone below freezing and not a single snowflake. We might well be cycling again next month! L’hiver semble très doux cette année avec peu de jours où la température est négative et aucun signe de neige. Le mois prochain verra …
Chaumont Water Tower – Château d’Eau à Chaumont
The reservoir (also known as the “water tower”) was built at the time the estate of Chaumont was acquired by Prince Henri-Amédée de Broglie before the arrival of the landscape architect Henri Duchêne. The architect later turned it to good advantage, surrounding it with a copse of trees and bushes. In those days, the water tower’s …
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