Spot the Monstres – Trouvez les monstres

Some sun at last! Spot the monsters on this half-timbered house built in the Middle Ages in Vienne, the neighborhood of Blois across the bridge from the Chateau. Enfin du soleil! Trouvez les monstres sur cette maison à colombages moyenâgeuse à Vienne, le quartier de Blois qui se trouve de l’autre côté du pont en …

Poinsettia for Christmas – Pointsettia de Noël

In France the pointsettia, which originated in Mexico, is a favourite indoor Christmas plant. I grew up knowing it as a garden plant in the tropical winter of North Queensland in Australia where it flowers in July and August. It produces the red (or pink) leaf-like bracts around its tiny flowers. It rarely lasts long …