The Flower Boat – Une barque fleurie

Another sunny day but this time we had a picnic lunch instead of dinner because the days are getting too short to cycle in the evening. Encore une belle journée ensoleillée mais nous avons troqué le dîner contre le déjeuner car les jours raccourcissent trop pour faire du vélo le soir.

Manoir de la Chevalinière

Today was one of my favourite days of the year – heritage day! We cycled from Vendôme to Troo and back via Sasnières Gardens and came across this charming private home built in the late 15th century and open to visitors just for the weekend. Aujourd’hui était l’une de mes journées préférées de l’année : …

Picnic in Chouzy – Pique-nique à Chouzy

As the days get shorter we have to adjust our cycling + dinner schedule, cycling longer before dinner and eating closer to home. This is the little lake in Chouzy-sur-Cisse which is only 5 kilometers from us. Avec les jours qui raccourcissent nous devons ajuster nos horaires de vélo + pique-nique faisant plus de vélo …

Soft and Velvety – Doux et velouté

This is the first time we’ve had this plant called verbascum. Apparently it flowers the second year. This leaves are very big, about 60 cm in diameter and are soft and velvet to the touch. I have two of them which I guess I must have planted. C’est la première fois que nous avons cette …

Window Boxes I Want – Des jardinières que je veux

I won’t even show you what my petunias look like at the moment. I’m thinking I might call into to see the owner of this house and ask what the secret is. Je n’ose pas vous montrer l’état actuel de mes pétunias. Je pense qu’un jour je passerai voir la personne qui habite cette maison …