An Elephant on the Loire – Un éléphant sur la Loire

I’ve never seen this elephant in Nantes myself, The photo comes to us from Kees Van Dijk, our Dutch friend. The machine, built in 2007,  can take up to 52 passengers for a 45-minute tour. Je n’ai jamais vu cet éléphant moi-même à Nantes. La photo nous vient de Kees Van Dijk, notre ami néerlandais. Cette machine …

A Flower Arrangement at Chenonceau – Un bouquet de fleurs à Chenonceau

Now that we have our yearly pass we can pop in to Chenonceau whenever we like! This was my favourite flower arrangement this time. All the flowers are grown at the chateau. The pass costs 50 euros for a couple. Maintenant que nous avons un pass annuel pour Chenonceau nous pouvons faire toutes les visites …

A Garden Setting for a Castle – Un jardin pour encadrer un château

On our previous visits to Loches, we missed this park! What a lovely background for the castle and perfect for a picnic on the bike route. Pendant nos visites antérieures à Loches, nous n’avons pas vu ce parc ! Quel bel écrin pour un château et parfait pour un pique-nique sur notre tour de vélo.

Only in the streets of France – Nulle part ailleurs qu’en France

We were cycling from Chenonceau to Loches today and saw this load of baguettes in the little village of Luzillé opposite a restaurant. Nous faisions du vélo aujourd’hui entre Chenonceau et Loches lorsque nous avons vu cette camionnette à Luzillé en face d’un restaurant.

Cour-sur-Loire wash-house – Le lavoir à Cour-sur-Loire

We hadn’t ridden as far as the wash house in Cour-sur-Loire this year and were surprised to discover that the area around it has been repaved. The previous photo is below. The hanging flower boxes have disappeared unfortunately. N’ayant pas été en vélo jusqu’au lavoir de Cour-sur-Loire cette année nous étions surpris de voir que …

Fresh River Fish – Poissons frais de rivière

Jean Michel goes fishing in the Loire once a week in the summer. He usually catches little fish that you deep fry. However today he came back with two tenches, a carp and 10 roach. Unfortunately I’m not a fan of any of these fish – I was brought up on reef fish. Jean Michel …

Deep in Conversation – En pleine conversation

One of the things we like about taking the little boat across the Loire at Cours sur Loire with our bikes is that you always meet new people. The man’s brother (French) has been living in Brisbane for many years! Une des choses qui nous plaît bien lorsqu’on traverse la Loire en gabarre a Cours …

The Wedding Room – La salle des mariages

In France all marriages must be performed at the local town hall even if there is a religious wedding. Today I was asked to interpret at a ceremony where the groom didn’t speak French. This is compulsory in France if either of the parties does not speak the language. The view outside is magnificent, overlooking …

Chateau de Troussay

We have cycled past Chateau de Troussay many times but never visited it until yesterday. It has the most eclectic interior imaginable. If I were the owners I’d remove half the contents especially all the things that are broken and only leave objects worthy of interest. At 7.50 euros per person, it is not worth …