Author Archives: avril
The Wedding Gate – Le portail de mariage
I can never resist going past this gate in Onzain but it’s the first time I’ve seen bows on it. It’s a wedding reception venue. Je ne manque jamais de passer devant ce portail lorsqu’on est à Onzain mais c’est la première fois que je vous des noeuds. C’est un lieu de réception pour des …
Sandbanks at Dusk – Bancs de sable au crépuscule
If you look closely in the middle of the sandbank, you’ll see a little red sign saying that people are not allowed to go there because it’s a bird reserve. I’m sure these banks are much bigger than last year. Gabriel Bridge (Blois) is on the right with the neighbourhood called Vienne on the left. …
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The Well Bucket Attachment – Attache-seau de puits
We were sitting opposite this well drinking our thermos of tea during a bike stop when Jean Michel noticed the device attached to the rope. We have three of them left to us by the previous owners of our house. I took a photo of one of them which I’ve posted below. Nous étions assis …
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Bottoms Up! – Sens dessus sens dessous
This is the first time I’ve been under a hot air balloon up close! We were at Chateau de Chaumont. C’est la première fois que je me trouve sous une montgolfière juste au dessus de ma tête! Nous étions à Chaumont.
A Bird Cage and a Bike – Une cage à oiseaux et un vélo
We went past these on our bikes on the way to Amboise recently in the village of Lussault-sur-Loire. Nous sommes passés par le village de Lussault-sur-Loire en vélo récemment en route pour Amboise.
A Pointy-Roofed Well – Un puits à toit pointu
The well has an unusually high pointed roof. They mostly have flatter domes. It also still has a handle. Le toit de ce puits est très pointu à la différence de ceux qu’on voit plus couramment qui sont des dômes plus plats. En plus la manivelle est encore présente.
Picnic at the Washhouse – Pique-nique au lavoir
We have found a great picnic table at an old washhouse in Chambon sur Cisse that we often cycle to in the evenings. We’re eating a selection of our homegrown heirloom tomatoes. Nous avons trouvé une table de pique-nique devant un lavoir à Chambon sur Cisse où nous allons souvent en vélo le soir. Nous …
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A Stylish Ferry Stop – Un arrêt de ferry très design
This is the new structure indicating the stop for the little ferry that takes hikers and cyclists across the Loire from on the Montivault to Cour-sur-Loire. It’s very stylish but I’m not sure that it serves any purpose as the ferry times are on another sign! I’ll be interested to see what they’ve done on …
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Blois on a Hot Summer Day – Blois un jour chaud d'été
Always my favourite view of Blois! Toujours ma vue préférée de Blois !