Chambord from Near and Far – Chambord de près et de loin

We cycled to Chambord and back yesterday (62 K in the blazing heat – 32 degrees) but it was worth it! We had planned to come back on the shady side of the Loire mais we forgot to check the timetable for the little ferry that takes us and our bikes across the river. We had …

The Old Mill House – Le vieux moulin

I had forgotten how beautiful this 16th century mill house is near Chateau des Grotteaux just outside Huisseau-sur-Cosson. It has unusual detail for a mill house. J’avais oublié que ce moulin du 16e siècle à côté du Château des Grotteaux près de Huisseau-sur-Cosson était si beau. Le détail est inhabituel pour un moulin.

Our Vegetable Patch – Notre potager

Our vegetable patch has lots of raspberries which I love, potatoes, runner beans, lettuces which we unfortunately share with the snails and slugs since the dog next door eliminated the hedgehogs, butternut pumpkins from Australia, strawberries, five types of heirloom tomatoes, chives, basil, rosemary, sorrel, gladioli, nasturtiums, roses, carnations and other unidentified flowers. Notre potager …

Troglodytes along the Loire – Troglodytes au bord de la Loire

The tufa cliffs you can see on the other side of the Loire are actually troglodyte dwellings, dug directly in the soft stone. The town is called Rochecorbon between Amboise and Tours. Les falaises de tuffeau que l’on voit de l’autre côté de la Loire sont en réalité des maisons troglodytes creusées directement dans la pierre. Il …

Picnic in the Sun – Pique-nique au soleil

I fail to understand why almost ALL the picnic tables in France (and there are not a lot of them I have to say) are in the sun at midday (not to mention most of the afternoon). Je n’arrive pas à comprendre pourquoi quasiment TOUTES les tables de pique-nique en France (et il n’y en …

Why aren't my petunias like that? – Pourquoi mes pétunias ne sont-ils pas comme ça ?

As an aspiring gardener – and I say aspiring because gardening, like parenting, is very humbling – I am always on the lookout for magnificent planters such as this one that we rode past last night on our bikes. Below are my petunias this year, which I am quite proud of, but they are the result …