We had Italian cappuccino in Weimar today while three different groups listened to their guide telling them about Goethe and Schiller, who are probably the two most revered figures in German literature. The monument erected in 1857 has been described as one of the most fameux and most beloved monuments in all of Germany and …
Author Archives: avril
Postcard #5 – Apolda, Germany
We are at Apolda, a little town in the Thuringe area of former East Germany. The only other town where I’ve seen such great trompes d’oeil is Dresden, which we visited in 2014. Have a look at the first and last photos here – and don’t you think that musical wall is wonderful? When it …
Postcard #4 – Bad Wimpfen
Today we cycled in the opposite direction to Bad Wimpfen with its delightful half-timbered houses. Bad means water as in thermal waters. Unfortunately Jean Michel got a puncture. It made the 80 k return and the 30 degree heat a little exhausting! Aujourd’hui nous sommes allés dans le sens opposé jusqu’à Wimpfen. Bad veut dire …
Postcard#3 – Hirschhorn
We had a long day cycling along the Neckar from Zwingenberg to Heidelberg, a round trip of 90 k. On the way back I wanted to see the view from the castle at the top of Hirschhorn and it was worth the extra effort! The second photo is the view from Heidelberg castle with the …
Postcard #1 Sens
After leaving at 8 pm we had an overnight stop at Sens which is 190 K north east of Blois. It is known for its Gothic cathedral which we didn’t see but it also has this unusual stone, brick and timber church built in the 12th century and refurbished in the 16th century. The parish …
Through the Gate – Par le portail
I took this photo because we are leaving on holiday for a month tomorrow and I wanted to be able to compare the vegetation now and at the beginning of July. Our ultimate destination is Poland but there are many different ways to get there by car and we don’t know which way we’re going …
The Beer Bar – Le bar à bière
This café restaurant in Blois has an impressive selection of beers – not that I’m a beer drinker! Ce bar-restaurant à Blois a un choix impressionnant de bières mémé je ne n’apprécie pas la bière !
Cream Spot Tiger – Écaille fermière
We saw this moth yesterday when walking in the evening after n Chouzy. From what I gather it is an Epicallia villica but I may be wrong. Nous avons vu ce papillon hier soir en nous promenant aux alentours de Chouzy. D’après mes recherches il s’agit d’une Epicallia villica mais je n’en suis pas sûre.
The Carousel in Orleans – Le grand manège à Orléans
I love the fact that these beautiful carousels are still so popular. J’adore le fait que ces manèges à l’ancienne plaisent toujours autant aux enfants.
Château de Boussay
The first time we visited Château de Boussay was with our friends Simon and Susan from Loire Valley Time Travel, in their 1953 Citroën Traction Avant called Célestine. This time, we were on our bikes, coming back from a picnic and botanical walk at Chaumussay organised by the exact same friends! The château is surrounded …