These fat balls are next to a well-protected window on the first floor. It’s the long-tailed tits’ favourite feeder. Ces boules de graisse se trouvent devant une fenêtre au premier étage bien abrité et en sécurité. C’est la mangeoire préférée des mésanges à longue queue.
Author Archives: avril
Our Winter Jasmine – Notre Jasmin d’hiver
When I posted a photo of our winter jasmine last year it was just recovering from severe pruning. This year it’s looking much better. Lorsque j’ai posté une photo de notre jasmin d’hiver l’année dernière il se remettait d’une taille très sévère. Cette année il a bien récupéré.
Parking for Parents – Parking pour les parents
I saw this sign in a French parking lot for the first time in Orleans. What do you think of the drawing? J’ai vu ce panneau dans un parking français pour la première fois à Orléans. Que pensez-vous du dessin ?
16th century wayside chapel – Petite chapelle du 16ème siècle
We came across this lovely little stone chapel on our walk last Sunday. Built at the beginning of the 16th century, Saint Anthony’s chapel in Tavers. People came to pray here to have eye diseases and scrofula cured, to find lost objects and help women conceive. Nous sommes tombés sur cette jolie petite chapelle en …
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Joan of Arc’s House – La maison de Jeanne d’Arc
This is the house in Orleans where Jacques Boucher, the Duke of Orleans’ finance minister, hosted Joan of Arc when she came to free the city in 1429. Below is the statue of Joan on Place du Martroi. Cette maison à pans de bois était celle de Jacques Boucher, trésorier général du duc d’Orléans, qui …
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Swanee River – La rivière des cygnes
For once, the weather and the week-end managed to get together so we went for a long walk along the Loire, just north of the nuclear power plant in Saint-Laurent-Nouan which you can see below. Spot the swans in the first photo. 22
Sun on the Bridge – Soleil sur le pont
When there is sun at the moment you need to snap it quickly. Everyone is complaining about the rain! Lorsqu’il y a du soleil en ce moment il faut vite en profiter. Tout le monde se plaint de la pluie.
Fine Detail – Le moindre détail
This recently restored oil painting by Marie-Philippe Coupin de La Couperie (1773 – 1851), now hanging in Blois Castle, is entitled “Valentina of Milan at the tomb of her husband Louis d’Orléans”. Valentina Visconti, daughter of Gian Galleazo Visconti, Duke of Milan, married her cousin, Louis d’Orléans, in 1389. She was the reason behind the claims of …
Chambord at the end of the path – Chambord au bout du chemin
Château de Chambord is always spectacular. I was delighted that we drove past while the sun was out. The reddish bits on the trees are young shoots. Below are two other angles. Le château de Chambord est toujours spectaculaire. J’étais ravie de voir le soleil lorsqu’on est passé en voiture. Les bouts rouges sur les …
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Snowdrops at last – Enfin les perce-neiges
I was beginning to wonder what had happened to the snowdrops but today when we were putting our bottles in the glass sorting bin halfway down our street we saw this great clump. Ours aren’t open yet. Je commençais à me demander où étaient passés les perce-neiges mais en mettant nos bouteilles dans le bac …
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