There is no Boxing Day in France or in any European country as far as I know but after a full house for Christmas we had a day off where the only thing we did was to take a walk along the river. En Australie comme au Royaume Uni le jour après Noël est toujours …
Author Archives: avril
Christmas with Leonardo – Noël avec Léonard
All the châteaux are decorated for Christmas. This is Leonardo da Vinci’s bedroom at Clos Lucé in Amboise. Tous les châteaux sont décorés pour Noël. Nous voilà dans la chambre de Léonard da Vinci au Clos Lucé a Amboise.
Happy Christmas- Joyeux Noël
My daughter and I went and collected foliage in the forest to make this wreath. We had difficulty finding holly with berries because of all the people who make a little extra money before Christmas selling it on the market. I hope you all have a very Christmas Ma fille et moi sommes allées chercher …
Leonardo’s Tank – Le char de Léonard
This amazing objet is a model of Leonardo da Vinci’s tank designed in the 16th century. It’s at Clos Lucé, the chateau in Amboise where he lived his last days.Cet objet étonnant est une maquette du char de Léonard de Vinci, conçu au 16ème siècle. Il se trouve au château du Clos Lucé à Amboise …
Book Sharing – Partage de livre
We first saw these book sharing boxes in Germany a few years ago but they have been spreading like wildfire in France. This is the first I have seen them n Blois. Nous avons vu ces boîtes à livres pour la première fois en Allemagne il y à plusieurs années mais on en voit de …
Alternative Transport in Blois – Un autre type de transport à Blois
I took the photo seconds too late to show the driver handing in the passenger’s shopping trolley. J’ai pris la photo trop tard pour montrer le chauffeur en train de monter le chariot du passager à côté d’elle.
Foie Gras for Christmas – Foie gras pour Noël
We usually make our foie gras for Christmas with friends who order and bring the foie gras. This year, they are in Australia so we tried a new local supplier in nearby Onzain. We’ll see the difference. D’habitude nous faisons notre foie gras pour noël avec des amis qui commandent et amènent le foie gras …
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Another Grey Day – Encore un jour gris
Today the sun disappeared again but we booked a week in Malta at the end of February to look forward to. Aujourd’hui le soleil a encore disparu alors nous avons réservé une semaine à Malte fin février pour nous remonter le morale.
Over the Wall – Par-dessus le mur
Just look at that sun! The advantage with mobile phone cameras is that you can see over high walls! We had never seen the gable on the left. Regardez-moi ce soleil ! L’avantage d’un appareil-photo téléphone est de pouvoir voir par-dessus le mur. On n’avait jamais vu le pignon à gauche.
The Very Last Leaves – Les toutes dernières feuilles
When I was expecting my daughter, my three-year-old son kept asking when she would be born so I told him “when all the leaves have fallen off the trees”. Every day, he would spend time at the window watching the leaves disappear. His sister was born a little early, on 8th December, just in time! After …
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