What a shame there’s not a more discreet way of adding an intercom to this mediaeval door in the historical part of Blois. Quel dommage qu’il n’écrit pas un moyen plus discret de rajouter un interphone à cette porte médiévale dans le vieux Blois.
Author Archives: avril
The New Bird Feeder – La nouvelle mangeoire
We’ve started feeding the birds again and seem to have more than ever. However, I really miss seeing them from my office window so today we bought a new feeder. We’re using small seed to see if that will attract different birds – we usually put sunflower seeds in the feeders which attract various sorts …
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Light on the Loire – Lumière sur la Loire
It drizzled most of the day today but around 4.30 pm, the sky cleared a little. Il a pleuvioté presque toute la journée aujourd’hui mais vers 16h30, le ciel s’est éclairci un peu.
Flowers at the Ready – Des gerbes toute prêtes
In France,11th November commemorates the armistice signed between the Allies and Germany at Compiègne, France, for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front, which took effect at the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.” A ceremony takes place in each town and flowers are placed on the war memorial. We were surprised …
Continue reading “Flowers at the Ready – Des gerbes toute prêtes”
Tranquil Loire – Loire tranquille
Autumn is coming slowly this year but we won’t complain. L’automne arrive lentement cette année mais on ne va pas de plaindre.
First Frost – Premier gel
We know when the temperature goes below zero for the first time of the year because the nasturtiums immediately capitulate. Nous savons lorsqu’il gèle pour la première fois de l’année parce que les capucines rendent l’âme tout de suite.
Saint Paterne
I walked past this church on my way from the train station to the centre of Orleans and rather embarrassingly thought it was the back of the cathedral when Jean Michel pointed out that there are no towers. It’s actually the church of Saint Paterne and was destroyed twice by the people of Orléans during …
Blois on Sunday – Blois le dimanche
I love driving along the river in Blois on the opposite side from the cathedral and castle. This was actually last Sunday but the post got stuck in Cyperspace. J’aime bien me promener à Blois en face de la cathédrale et du château. La photo a été prise dimanche dernier mais le post s’est …
Misty Moon – Lune floutée
We went to our monthly meet-up in Amboise last night and it was dark by the time we got there. Extraordinary to be sitting outside comfortably in November! Nous sommes allés à notre rencontre mensuelle à Amboise hier soir. C’est vraiment extraordinaire de pouvoir s’asseoir dehors confortablement à cette époque!
A little bit of Sahara – Un petit bout du Sahara
This is not the first time my Saharan Rose has appeared on this blog but I love it’s colours! Ce n’est pas la première fois que ma rose saharan se trouve sur ce blog mais j’adore ses couleurs !