Troglodytes along the Loire – Troglodytes au bord de la Loire

The tufa cliffs you can see on the other side of the Loire are actually troglodyte dwellings, dug directly in the soft stone. The town is called Rochecorbon between Amboise and Tours. Les falaises de tuffeau que l’on voit de l’autre côté de la Loire sont en réalité des maisons troglodytes creusées directement dans la pierre. Il …

Have you seen Leonardo? – avez-vous vu Léonard ?

Today I was walking towards the chapel at Amboise Castle where Leonardo da Vinci spent his last years when these two hove in sight. “Have you seen Leonardo” I asked. “Oh, not this afternoon.” A woman walking past said “Leonardo is dead.” Some people have absolutely no imagination. Cet après-midi je me dirigeais vers la …