Amboise in April – Amboise en avril

The evenings are getting longer especially with dailylight saving. Amboise, as usual, from Le Shaker on l’île d’or where we meet up with other anglophones and anglophiles on the first Friday of the month. Les soirées sont de plus en plus longues surtout avec l’heure d’été. C’est Amboise, comme d’habitude, depuis Le Shaker sur l’île …

Leonardo’s Tank – Le char de Léonard

This amazing objet is a model of Leonardo da Vinci’s tank designed in the 16th century. It’s at Clos Lucé, the chateau in Amboise where he lived his last days.Cet objet étonnant est une maquette du char de Léonard de Vinci, conçu au 16ème siècle. Il se trouve au château du Clos Lucé à Amboise …

CDP Theme Day – Photographing the Photographer

Amboise Castle is so photogenic that it isn’t hard to photograph the photographer. The photographer in this shot, though, seems to be aiming at something enitrely different! For other takes on this month’s City Daily Photo theme, click here. Le château d’Amboise est tellement photogénique que ce n’est pas bien difficile de photographier le photographe. …

Glass Reflections – Reflets de verrerie

This photo was taken inside Château Gaillard. The very pale stained glass windows cast the most delightful reflections. The one on the left depicts Charles VIII who, after visiting Italy in 1496, recreated his “earthly paradise” with the help of Pacello de Mercoliano, the “greatest gardener in Europe”, and 22 Italian artists. Cette photo est prise à …

Leonardo Lounging – Léonard se prélasse

I can’t believe I’ve been going to Ile d’Or in Amboise once a month for the last 5 years and have never seen this statue of Leonardo da Vinci along the Loire. I took it from a more modest angle. Leonardo spent his last years in Amboise at Clos Lucé château at the invitation of …

Amboise Royal Chapel – La chapelle royale d'Amboise

We did a little round trip by bike from Chaumont to Amboise yesterday, delighted as ever with our power bikes. This was the view while eating our ice creams – the Saint Hubert’s chapel built at the very end of the 15th century where where what are thought to be the bones of Leonardo da Vinci …