I owe this photo to Stuart from Amboise Daily Photo. This time last year he posted a photo of chive flowers on his terrace and I was so taken with them that I went and bought a couple of plants. After giving us chives all year round, they now have these lovely mauve flowers. Je …
Category Archives: Amboise
Chanteloup Pagoda – La pagode de Chanteloup
Built between 1775 and 1778 near Amboise, this surprising 44-metre high 6-story pagoda is all that is left of the famous château bought and extended by the Duc de Choiseul, Louis XV’s main minister after he fell out of favour in 1770. We’ve been meaning to go for some time but it’s closed in winter. …
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Amboise at Dusk – Amboise au crépuscule
This photo was taken from under the bridge that links Ile d’Or island to Amboise when we arrived at Le Shaker yesterday for our monthly Loire Connexion meet-up with other Anglophones and Anglophiles. Cette photo est prise à côté du pont qui relie l’Ile d’Or à Amboise lors notre arrivé hier au Shaker pour la …
Through the Keyhole – Par le trou de la serrure
I love the way you can see one of the stained glass windows through the open door of the Romanesque church of Saint Denis Amboise. To me, it’s like looking through a keyhole. J’aime bien le fait qu’on voit l’un des vitraux par la porte ouverte de l’église romane de Saint Denis à Amboise. Pour moi, c’est …
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Looking for Asterix – Cherchant Astérix
This, my friends, is of greater significance that it looks. It’s part of a rampart from the time of the Gauls. Built from 400 to 50 BC, is made of clay, wooden posts and a 10 m deep ditch. The presence of pebbles shows that it was added to at different periods of time to make it …
Bricks and Stone – Briques et pierre
This photo is in response to Stuart’s photo on Amboise Daily Photo today (our towns are 30 km apart on the Loire River). His photo shows a stone and brick window that is more recent and better crafted than mine which is probably about 400 years old. The combination of brick and stone is typical of …
Amboise in August – Amboise en août
Here’s my once-a-month photo of Amboise. Every first Friday of the month, the Loire Connexion, a friendly anglophone and anglophile community in the Loire Valley, meets informally at Le Shaker, a cocktail bar on l’Ile-d’Or. Come and join us sometime! Just a reminder, here is last month’s photo. Voici ma photo mensuelle d’Amboise. Tous les premiers vendredi …
Amboise on a hot night – Amboise une nuit très chaude
We got home too late from Le Shaker on Ile d’Or island in Amboise last night to post a photo. It was still 25°C a midnight which is very hot for this neck of the woods! Nous sommes rentrés trop tard ici soir du Shaker sur l’île d’or à Amboise hier soir pour publier une …
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Royal lily-of-the-valley – Muguet royal
It’s the tradition in France to give lily-of-the-valley on May 1st for good luck, especially to your loved ones. And if you find a sprig with 13 little bells, you’ll have extra luck. You can find it on practically every street corner, mainly sold by charities and similar associations. And because it’s Labour Day, it’s …