A Church with Turrets – Une église à tourelles

Saint Pantaléon Church in Seur, now closed, with its unsual turrets on either side of the front portal, was built in the 16th century and refurbished in the 19th century. L’église Saint-Pantaléon à Seur, désormais fermée, avec ses tourelles de chaque côté du portail d’entrée, fut construite au XVIe et remaniée au XIXe.

George V Bridge in Orléans – Pont George-V à Orléans

This strange looking buildling is one of a pair at the end of the George V bridge over the Loire in Orléans, built between 1751 and 1763, and was used to collect the city toll. The bridge, initially called the Pont Royal, then Pont National, was renamed during World War I after King George V of …

Saint Benoît sur Loire

This is another photo from our recent cycling trip along the Loire to the east of Orléans. The basilica at Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire started in the 11th century with a crypt and sanctuary and was finally completed in the about 1218. The porch tower, built in about 1020, is a symbol of the celestial Jerusalem in the …

The Pyramidal Barn – La grange pyramidale

This unusual barn in Châillon-sur-Loire, has become the symbol of the area known as the Berry, between Sologne and Sancerrois. Originally covered with thatch, these wattle and daub constructions usually date from the 15th century. They were used to house cattle and store grain. I took the photo when we were cycling along the Eurovelo bike route ten …

A Carolingien Oratory on the Loire – Un oratoire carolingien sur la Loire

This Carolingian oratory, located in the little village of Germigny-des-Prés on the Loire River, dates back to 806,. It is one of the oldest churches in France. It was built by Bishop Theodulf, one of Charlemagne’s advisors, to serve as a place of worship in his palace complex. In order to turn it into a parish church, the …

Château for Sale – Château à vendre

We have always seen château de Ménars, built in the 18th century, from the bike path along the Loire. Today we passed it on the other side. It’s for sale! To quote the local newspaper La Nouvelle République “Exasperated by the harrassment which he believes he is being subjected to by the French taxation, American businessman …

The Post Mill – Le moulin cavier

I have already photographed the Saint-Jacques Windmill from the bike path but had never seen it from the highway. It is an Angevin-type cavier or post mill, highly recognisable due to its circular stone building surmounted by a wooden cone supporting a windshaft or hucherolle to which the sails are attached. Movement is transmitted through the cone to millstones …

Spring Blossoms and a Turret – Fleurs de printemps et une tourelle

I went for a short walk in the nearby village of Chouzy-sur-Cisse and suddenly came across these beautiful spring blossoms and turret. Je me suis promené hier dans le village voisin de Chouzy-sur-Cisse. Tout d’un coup j’ai vu ces belles fleurs de printemps à côté d’une tourelle.